Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Don’t talk to Joe

SELF-proclaimed visionary Joe Coleman has been given the strongest rebuff yet by Knock Shrine authorities after they refused to allow him or his followers to pray aloud in any of the churches at the shrine last week.

Coleman had heralded last Tuesday’s visit with forecasts of crosses in the sky but when he arrived at the shrine he was told that no one is allowed to pray aloud or have access to churches at the shrine.

This was in stark contrast to earlier visits where Coleman was allowed access to both the Basilica and the Apparition Chapel and prayed aloud at both locations.

Last Tuesday Coleman and his followers had to gather outside the Apparition Chapel and recite the Rosary in the rain. Coleman described the act as ‘sinister’.

“I am deeply shocked to think that a Catholic Church would instruct people not to say the Rosary or pray aloud for whatever reason. What has the Catholic Church come to? They should be deeply ashamed of themselves,” said Coleman on his website.

It looks like far from the end of matters either. Coleman forcefully says his followers must be allowed access on Wednesday, July 14 after he claims he received a message from ‘Our Blessed Mother Queen of Peace’ that she will return at 2pm on that date.