Monday, January 14, 2008

CWI : Gaydar Priest (7) : Father Hogan (The Gaydar Priest)

You may remember last year the story in relation to the priest caught on Gaydar posing in just his y-fronts and crucifix....well Fr Hogan who was originally based in Feakle, east Clare when this all happened has vowed to return to the pulpit.

Since receiving treatment in the USA, he has returned home to Puckane in County Tipperary before Christmas and said to be in form for returning to clerical duties.

However, despite all the community support last year, the now resident priest in Feakle, Fr James O'Brien, has said 'Fr Michael has returned from the US and he seems to be doing very well. He still very much wants to be a priest, but he will not be coming back here. He was told to take 12 months out and, it seems, he will soon be ready to be placed back into a parish, which could be anywhere in Ireland. He will not be a fully-fledged parish priest but will most probably be returning as an assistant so that he can be given time to readjust. He has not wanted to attract attention to himself. He was at a very low point when everything was revealed.'

Read into that what you wish but generally it means that as a punishment for making the RC hierarchy aware of such an issue Fr Hogan is never going to be allowed to forget it either and indeed the Hierarchy has not learned either from previous mistakes of moving clergy to other parishes and dioceses....

...and we wonder why we have the Church we do...ah sure perhaps Bishop Wishy Washy just does not want the bother of it all down there and he due for retirement and again considering his recent history one does have to wonder about his abilities altogether...