It is on the Call Up list at Wicklow Circuit Court on December 7 to set a new date for the hearing.
As the new Law Term begins in February it will be held at some time after that date - details to follow.
This case has been dragging on since September 2005 because of the "dragging of heels" of the Parish Priest so it is now entering into year 5 as the case will not be heard until 2010.
In the meantime the state of play is as follows -
1. The Parish Secretary won her case in front of the Rights Commissioner in Wicklow in July 2007 for having no Contract for over 3 years working at the Parish (which Fr. White had denied!!!) He was in breach of Labour Laws.
2. Equality Tribunal (hushed up) case results still awaited over 4 months after the hearing. Only limited details will be allowed to be published after results come in. Church does not like too much publicity any more!!!!!!!!!
3. Unfair Dismissal Appeal case - date pending.
A word of thanks to all the supporters and tireless workers on the Parish Secretary's behalf.
Many more have joined these supporters since the release of the Dublin Diocesan Report.
These people now understand more about cover ups, denials, wrong doings, save your skin at any cost, and why laity who complaiin about members of the Clergy are hounded out of their own Parishes like lepers.
Thank God for these reports because people now see through the two faced smiling conning members of the Clergy.
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