Diocese of San Diego warned by judge; Anglican Church hesitant on embryo research; a common Easter time to be considered and agreed by East and West; nicking nun in USA; African Synod for October 2009; outrage in Chicago AD over jobs being kept by those who were aware of CSA; Fillipino cleric defies death threats to take on corruption
Innocent cleric returns to parish; Vatican to be blamed for a few issues (?); Diocesan clerical changes in Galway; punishment of whipping and fines fro those who attempt to convert Muslims away from Islam; matter of life and death in Punjab to express the faith; USA cleric gets 5 years for CSA
Amnesty International under episcopal pressure; rebel nuns under court order; Zen demands democracy in China; Chinese authorities remove text of Papal letter; Lutherans turn Catholic; Latin Mass to cause Christian Jewish difficulties
Lawyer cleared in Pope joke; Vatican finances in good credit; Il Papa invited to Uganda; new Brit PM cedes control over Church and Judicial appointments; Il Papa to visit Austria in September confirmed; Irish PM bungles with suicide remark
RC Church in Yugoslav holocaust; German mosque dispute; Il Papa to visit WYD in Australia confirmed; new consistory for November; Red Mosque difficulties in Pakistan; Taiwan Ambassador says China needs RC Church
Argentinian ex-chaplain to be tried for war crimes; gay bullying in RC schools in UK; RC Church upset at new 7 wonders of world list; Il Papa 10 road rules; Mother Teresa nuns helping and teaching; backward papal directive
New RC church to be built in Minsk; RC Church contraception contradictions; new Vatican document on role of Church; Chavez launches tirade against RC bishops; clerical indecisiveness on HIV testing; ex priest slaying on internet; Vatican honours more martyrs
New suicide bereaved guidelines in Ireland; Il Papa blessing on Latin Mass; Chavez a worry to RC leaders; 12th July marches pass off in Northern Ireland; Il Papa on Alpine break; bust of Il Papa unveiled in his hometown
800th anniversary of St Elisabeth of Hungary; WYD anthem released; RC Church ministry to gay community; Ireland (still) awaiting 3 new bishops; Belgian bishop faces homophobia charges; Australian CSA arrests expected; Northern Ireland Police force sued over bias; Luther and gays
LA archdiocese seeking resolution; Il Papa asks Cardinal in UK to remain in post for now; Killaloe Diocesan changes of clergy and parishes; Scientology under spotlight; Il Papa again upsets other religions; new bishop not to everyone else's satisfaction; gay group tags RC as unChristian; supping with the devil
Psychological review of stance on gays; anti-Catholic bigotry claim by RC newspaper in Ireland; Vatican product recall; VOTF no longer doctrinally affiliated; Il Papa drag statue removed from display; liturgical clock going backwards (?); Vatican III on way (?); Il Papa names new Bishop for USA
Paisley lashes at Il Papa; Limerick priest mediates between feuding gangs; RC in Mexico seeks political influence; necessity of marriage; snail pace Papal changes; new RC cleric moves in with wife and kids; Coptic Pope criticises Il Papa; new clerical blog on the block....
...and into the second half of the last month of summer we go with the following stories making the headines...
Large settlements for CSA cases, a priest moves in with his wife and kids to local presbytery, US bishops defend right to refuse Eucharist to pro-abortion and pro-divorce lobbyists and politicians, Il Papa no Antichrist.
Il Papa on holidays in villa near Alps, Il Coptic Pope criticises Il RC Pope, Il Papa proclaims love to the youth, view of Qumran scrolls challenged, LA Archdiocese to settle for $600 million, Il Papa for France in 2008.
Dalai Lama more popular than Il Papa, further developments on Fr Hogan situation, introduction of Blog Voting, Archbishop Ncube accused of adultery, Boston facing shortage of priests, abortion demand rising in Portugal.
Archbishop funds stricken farmers, Il Papa to visit USA and Australia in 2008, criticism of Harry Potter, Homer Simpson upsets Pagans, Il Papa versus gay rights, closure of Vatican library, RC Church departed from teachings of Christ.
New bishop of Beijing selected, St Patricks Day to be on 15th March 2008, Vatican liability for abuse?, Mexican cardinal to be questioned on knowledge of abuse cases, Irish Prime Minister promises same sex recognition (do not hold breaths on that one!! tis Bertie after all!!!), RC Church shifting towards traditionalism.
Anti-Semitic RC Polish cleric, UK Anglican bishop in trouble for being homophobic (few in Ireland could be brought on those charges if judiciary had balls to so do!!), JPII not favourable towards annulments, new Vatican City portal and website.
Fr Bossi released, Holy Land Christians deserting their homes, Sweden RC Church apologises for CSA, Il Papa to appoint more women to top Vatican jobs, man petitions Vatican with adultery claim against Ncube, Mahoney under scrutiny in LA in relation to abuse claims.
Il Papa downplaying Vatican II by decrees, Romero for beatification, Vatican in acceptance of Beijing bishop, teflon cardinal, Greek Archbishop hits back at Il Papa, Zen meets Il Papa re China situation, paedophilia and the priesthood.
Anglican Church in turmoil over gay ordination, cardinal claims Il Papa book contravenes natural law, papal controversy downplayed, Humanae Vitae at 39, bishop aware of clerical abuse, Croagh Patrick climb, Irish schools to teach abuse prevention.
Vatican concern on family matters, women anointed as clerics, democracy in RC Church, RC priest arrested for Rwanda atrocity, blackmail attempt on RC cleric, gays should not get rights says Irish AB, Aussie dean lashes at youngsters, false priest on loose in Ireland, RC cleric to countersue alleged victim of CSA abuse, Amnesty International and RC Church at loggerheads.
Il Papa aide warns about Islamic Europe, Ireland a gateway for child smuggling, nuns under arrest for allegedly trying to convert students, Anglicans want Episcopalians disciplined, Il Papa against Vatican II?, 4 RC clerics arrested in China.
No safe sex at World Youth Day 2008, gay rights in Colombia, Polish priest condemned by Israel, Patriarch dies, abuse clergy not monitored, Hitler and Pius XII, no Latin Mass for Martini, Simpsons religious, Limbo and to finish off, Irish Catholic Church Guidelines on CSA found not to be proper (nothing new there then!!)
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