All anyone can observe is the fact this time quite possibly could have been spent attending an "Anger Management" course and was told to keep taking the medication because one seems to be very very calm at the moment to the point of almost being deadpan.
Having said that one also must have been instructed to keep ones head down as the eyes have been lowered most of the time as in the old days in the Church when instructions were given to do so!
In spite of the above the Altar in God's house is still being used to give verbal swipes towards the ex employee because she continues for her quest for justice and an apology and that is not appreciated by one on his return.
One is soaking up all the sympathy and support one can from those who have been brainwashed by his cunning psychology training God help them.
There is still no Season of Goodwill in this Parish in spite of letters having gone out to all with a heavy 'begging' tone to them for nice fat Dues envelopes to be returned (that would be better given to The St. Vincent de Paul) and the ALL ARE WELCOME message which is neither true nor sincere.
Several people have commented that with the credit crunch this Parish has sent a letter around saying it has €250,000 in the Bank and going to borrow another €676,000 to do the renovations to the Church which means a loan and massive debt.
The critical thing is the roof needs replaced, that is fine but 22% of the total figure required to do the work which overall will cost €926,000 is for the refurbishment of the Sanctuary which nobody wants and also part of the 23% to be used for other internal work also includes changes to the Sacristy which most agree is fine as it is.
Bottom line a lot of money in this time of credit crisis is being used to do things that are NOT required or needed but 'excuses' are being made as to why they have to be done by the PP and cronies on the various committees.
They say the Parish Priests house will become vacant at a later date and could be sold to help with the debt. Why wait 3 years until the present PP leaves as he is living in a large family home when there is a full one floor flat available in the Prebytery in the Church grounds (but it does not afford him 'enough privacy') so he already moved out of that some years ago (prior to getting the Parish Priests house) and rented a very modern and expensive private home down the road from the golf club (at the expense of the Parishioners and Parish) until he was asked to move back out of same.
Something is very, very, wrong in this Parish.
They do not cut the cloth according to needs but to their wants.
We might also be a little alarmed by the weird grin or smirk that sometimes appears on ones face from time to time for no obvious reason so we have to ask is one cracking up under the strain.
We are basically back to the same old, same old and on it goes.
Can we hope for anything better in 2009 from this Parish?
Most doubtful because the Clergy there and Archbishop Diarmuid Martin do not care.
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Sotto Voce
(Source: FFPVT)