Scottish Cardinal condemns abortion, while his Australian colleague upsets a few by accusing them of being intimidatory and over in Zimbabwe another purple wearer continues to upset Mugabe and in Latin America post Il Papa visit, the bishops vow to stem the declining numbers of Catholics to Evangelism.
UK RC schools criticised again for not implementing anti-homophobic bullying guidelines, whilst in Éire, top child protection job in RC Church goes to a Presbyterian, whilst China is considering banning RC's from Olympics, and the canonisation of a new Irish saint is also covered.
Vatican indifference to dealing with CSA cases is highlighted, RC interference to be curtailed by Arnie Schwarzenegger, Voice of the Faithful in financial difficulties, whilst free speech is not democratically recognised or respected by US diocese of Lincoln.
China Vatican relations discussed again, Pope Pius XII kidnap attempt by Nazis foiled, reality show hoax, excommunications not the answer say Franciscans, RC Church its out at sex laws, papal visit to Canada in 2008 muttered.
Pro Abortion No Communion threat by hierarchy, ordination of female priests, groundskeeper turns soulkeeper, Vancouver wants inaction on CSA files suppressed, Latin Mass translation questioned, and Cardinal O Malley invites Il Papa to Boston next year.
Opus Dei ordinands in Rome, deaths of Chaldean clergy, RC teachers to take public vow, Zen stokes China Vatican flames again, Giuliani criticised for abortion, Spanish parish of the poor defies Archbishop, and Fr. Faux Pas Feakle with Bishop Walsh mentioned again.
Pell starts trouble with NSW parliament, attacks on churches in Java continue, Zen criticises China again, God berates Bush in mystery advertisement, Il Papa to declare Pauline Year, US bishops to discuss gay clergy, nun for canonisation.
Attempt to pimp popemobile, 2 new names of bishops from Chaldean Synod, RC MP's defy Pell, supermodel clashes with RC Church, Mexican cardinal grilled in relation to CSA cases, Chinese underground bishop arrested again, God's banker case laid to rest.
Churches forcibly turned into mosques, feast of Corpus Christi, Irish police force a disgrace yet again, kidnapped Christians released, RC priest in pay dispute, Aussie Bishop under parliamentary investigation over remarks made, Muslim woman forced to re-convert to Islam by religious court, cardinal calls those promoting abortion as 'children of darkness' , Williams denies possibility of a schism.
Gay rights in Northern Ireland being challenged by Christian activists, Mother Teresa a crook discussed, Papal patience raising eyebrows, attempt to ban non-Catholics from Catholic positions, African RC Church says priests should be allowed to marry, Bush visits 'Sir' Pope.
Dalai Lama on tour, new Vatican Secretary of State, no female clergy says Vatican, Tara Hill in Ireland to be protected, Anglican Church -v- Sony, Il Papa appeal for kidnapped clergy, and Blair to become RC Deacon post 10 Downing Street.
Pell defied by RC MP's, new Eucharist liturgy translation rejected by German bishops, new head of UK RC being sought, RC priest appeals for aid for AIDS sufferers, new 3rd World Anglican bishop, Baptist Church CSA scandal.
RC Church & Homosexuality 2 views, more gays than papal audience attendants, anti-gay bishop gets more threats, Pell re-issues warnings to MP's, Vermont RC diocese accused of hiring paedophile priests, Il Papa opens Roman clerical convention, Birmingham AB tipped as head of UK RC.
Beer drinking nuns, Europe Christianity back in fashion, blogspot hacked, pro-abortion Amnesty International, US gay rights issues on bishops agenda, bishop burgled, GSOC relevance questioned, Moscow Rome relations to continue, theologians advised not to criticise RC church.....and into the second half of the month of June we go with Portland bishop apologising to victims of Child Sex Abuse, Mexico legalising prostitution, priest detained on paedophile charges in Croatia, diocese legally fighting obligation to hand over abuse records whilst questions abound as to invite list to Lambeth Conference in 2008...
Possible schism in Anglican America, more Vatican hypocrisy, 21st Century slavery abounds, impact of Orthodox Catholic relations improving on European scale, Colombia yes to gay rights, CSA Protestant style, Cleveland legally directed to hand over files on CSA, Aussie Cardinal on contempt hearings.
Battle for Anglican soul begins, Latin Mass making way back, reflection on 3rd year of Benedict XVI, UK bishops oppose Latin Mass, Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission incurs wrath of RC priest, nun quits over letter requirement, Poland's daughter of chastity....NOT!!, Il Papa in Assisi, late Pope name smeared.
Theology of Sineád O Connor, new soapbox in Ireland, Papal plea for peace, LA in CSA trial, Cardinal Pell backs down, Cardinal's pro-gay marriage advisor, Luther, Irish Bishops and environment, RC school and convent destroyed, Polish RC Clergy warned by Papal Nuncio.
RC religious order sues own legal representative, whilst church and lawmakers are accused of failing victims of CSA, no Vatican plans to convert Russia, trading trouble for Tesco Poland, suicide focus in Ireland, global paedophile ring busted.
10 commandments for rules of the road, call for religious order to be shutdown, RC witch hunt for gay clergy, LA diocese under judge order to disclose files, Pope wants prostitutes clients punished, minutes from Irish Bishops meeting, Vatican reverses annulment decision, clerical pay rise, Irish priest calls for independent audit of Irish dioceses.
Clerical fashion showcase in Poland, suicide awareness Ireland, Sotto Voce on 100,000 hits, Osama Bin Laden honoured by clerics, RC priest in Rwanda charged with genocide, RC told to put up or shut up, Amnesty International in trouble.
Browne asked not repeat Blair mistakes, abandoned wives look to Vatican for help, Pope to declare a Pauline year, Suicide Alert Ireland, Blair meets with Il Papa, abortion now legal in Portugal, gay priest steps down, female clergy, papal holidays in Alps.
Chastity ring court case in UK, Blair to become RC, Iraqi Christians need help, all roads lead to Rome, no valuable icon given to Il Papa says archbishop, warning to brides again re Paul Mayfair, Bishop Casey saga continues.
RC pressing on nuptials, Anglicanism faces same sex debate, John The Baptist, homosexuality divides Christians, Il Papa wanted retire 10 years ago, Pope John Paul II remembered, RC lays down dress code, cleric commits suicide after CSA claims made public, Anglicanism turns to Homer Simpson to get youth.
New papal election rules (which are quiet old), Kenyan church told do more for HIV/AIDS sufferers, MySpace Monks, theology of Sineád again, science religion and soul battle, clerical help needed in breastfeeding campaign, divorce rate in Italy jumps, morning after pill offered to Brazil's poor.
Archbishops receive palliums, Irish RC cleric appeals for clemency for person who falsely accused him, more collusion in Poland clergy and police state, papal support for stem cell research, Croatian Church and State at odds, Egypt outlaws female circumcision, African Synod in 2008, new Vatican diplomatic team, Canadian Anglicans vote against same sex marriages, the rules of annulment, China Papal Letter issued.
Clerical Whispers ended June 2007 on the sad note of the death of a young settled traveller from Ennis County Clare by the son of Garda McGovern of Ennis Garda Station. This highlighted the 2 tier system in this country and the heavy handed actions by the force in this country. They deserve nothing but the shame they have brought upon themselves by using and manipulating the legal system to ensure the little thug who perpetrated the act would get away with it...which he has thus far managed to do.
It behoves us all to pray for the victim and his family and hope that justice will prevail over the intent of other parties meant to uphold the law to ensure that this would not happen.
No responsibility or liability shall attach itself to either myself or to the blogspot ‘Clerical Whispers’ for any or all of the articles placed here.
The placing of an article hereupon does not necessarily imply that I agree or accept the contents of the article as being necessarily factual in theology, dogma or otherwise.
Sotto Voce