Thursday, August 01, 2024

CWI : Operation TRUTH (8)

Just last week, we here in CW were in receipt of at least 3 emails, followed up by 2 more yesterday (Wednesday 31st July, 2024) in relation to Mr Eduardo YANGA, and we feel it is information that needs to be publicly notified.

It seems that Mr Yanga is in possession of all correspondence from others such as seminarians, priests, bishops etc to Pat Buckley, and is 'courting' publishing houses in an attempt to sell the publishing rights and earn a few pounds in so doing.

We have a few questions for Eduardo in this regard :

1. Eduardo, do you have the authority to tout these letters, and if so, when do you receive such authority and from whom?

2. Do you have evidence of such authority?

3. Did you apply for, and receive, Administrative Rights?

4. Are you an Executor?

5. Are you a key holder?

6. In seeking to publish what woud have been considered to be private and confidential correspondence, are you aware that you would be liable to considerate potential legal action from so many parties?

7. Do you actually care?

8. Do you have any consideration for others in seeking to publish such correspondence and would be re-victimising and re-traumatising those whom your allegedly celibate 'partner/husband', Patrick Buckley slandered and defamed for so many years?

9. What do you hope to achieve (other than immoral financial gain) from (trying to) publish aforementioned correspondence?

10. Will you vacate 6 Princes Gardens by August 18th - 3 months on from the death of your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley?

11. Are you paying the bills associated with the regular running of the property such as electricity, gas, rates etc, or are you going to try and dodge paying them like your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley tried for a few years, leaving unpaid bills of thousands?

12. Why are you permitting Paul Creaner to use a property for what can be termed commercial reasons - contrary to the agreement between your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley and the Diocese of Down and Connor in 2012?

Some more simple questions Eduardo....simple response would be nice and any response would be most welcome.

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Eagarthóir / Editor