Dia dhuit Fintan, and we sincerely hope this posting finds you well....considering the last 2 weeks or so that have passed...and more of that anon.
We here in CW pride ourselves on being able to publish as we do, and doing so in the knowledge that we do so with evidence (remember what that is?) to back up every claim we make here.
And we are now going to begin with the evidence we have in relation to you and your corrupt activities in relation to the ill-founded basis for laicising priests in Killaloe - at will it seems.
It seems Fintan, that at the height of false allegations being bandied about in relation to a certain priest, you decided to send an email as follows (we have the original in case you attempt to deny it) : dated 2nd August 2022 @ 1418 hrs....
Greetings *****!
I hope you’re doing well?
Fintan Monahan here emailing you from Lough Derg.
I had an email on Monday from the infamous Pat Buckley alleging that you had been mistreated by one of the Killaloe priests, ** *** **********. *** has been in a spot of bother lately & PB has been blogging about him incessantly for the past several months.
I know it’s not a reliable source but in the event that there may be any issues there just letting you know that I’d be open to have the issue fully investigated & organise appropriate support if necessary.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
✠ Fintan Monahan
Cusack Road
Co. Clare
V95 W63H
How interesting Fintan that your almost closing words were (quote) 'issue fully investigated & organise appropriate support if necessary' (unquote), seeing as these words were never used (or indeed actioned) when it came to defending the name and reputation of the priest at the centre of all of this....
And then the reply......3rd August 2022 @ 0719 hrs
Dear Fintan,
Thank you for emailing to check with me, for your concern about my welfare, and your offer of support. I too received an email from Pat Buckley on Monday, but I only saw it yesterday.
There is no truth in it, as you have surmised. I’m baffled why my name has been brought into the matter. I replied to Pat and told him the same. He replied to say he believed me 100%. I hope that will suffice.
I thank you again for writing to me, however, because no matter the source it is wise to enquire and investigate when necessary to bring real clarity. I grieve when someone is accused unjustly, but where there has been physical, emotional, or psychological harm inflicted by ministers it should always be addressed. We do have a duty of care to the people we serve.
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you address the complexities of this and other cases in your ministry. It takes much strength and courage to live by the justice of God’s kingdom in our world.
With thanks and best wishes,
It must be noted how much empathy and support this person has towards you, and yet you never showed any of that to the priest concerned.
But let us be clear here - you have very blatant evidence that what was alleged to you was lies (and there continues to be no doubt about that) but yet you persisted in having this priest laicised - without listening to him.
You were also aware that Buckley knew it was untrue, and yet you did nothing to challenge Buckley in this regard...and who knows how it may have brought a halt to the whole lie-fest that your inaction fed into.
You made an offer to the priest - either he seek laicisation or you would - and we all know how that worked out ; forgery is the term used and remains as such as a charge we are more than happy to level against you.
But then again Fintan, it is what the women wanted, and they got it......
....and now the heat is coming on you from other professionals who have decided to challenge you on this, and your own oft spun response is go talk to *** about it....words on which you may very well yet perish.
Did you make the Gardaí aware of this email when they dropped down to visit last year as part of THEIR investigation Fintan?
Did you make Rome aware of this correspondence when you forged paperwork so as to obtain the laicisation?
Don't worry if you didn't - they can see it now for themselves....and there will be as much more to come yet in relation to you.
Brace yourself Fintan....the summer of discontent is just beginning for you and so so many others....
We will be asking you a few more questions in the coming days in relation to monstrances, people acting 'in locus episcopus' and you making yet more false claims and allegations....
We would be happy to meet with you at any time in the offices of our solicitors in Dublin, and perhaps give you the clarity of facts that you seem to be so in need of at this time.
Drop us an email and we can arrange accordingly....