The month of August opens with the Lambeth Conference in full swing, Knock Youth festival in similar fashion, an apology from religious order for CSA in Australia, call for end to papal condemnation of contraception, musical monks in charts, Il Papa intentions for August released...
...interfaith dialogue a reality in 21st century, no to homos says Vatican official at Lambeth, Irish to become patron to Vatican museum, Anglicans wrestle with Bible, invite to Syria for Il Papa by Grand Mufti...
...Anglican Church = The Gay Church (?), questions over charity cash, social revolution against Christianity, immigrants look to bishops for support, clerical changes in Irish dioceses (Dublin - updated), Loaves & Fishes, Irish State being sued by religious healthcare group...
...youth rosary CD a big hit, monk preaches divine sex, Templars to sue Il Papa, closing day of Lambeth Conference, St John Vianney (Patron of Priests), prayer for priests, Sotto Voce takes leave of CW (for a while...)...
...Cork Bishop prayers answered, Lambeth ends positively, Solzhenitsyn dies, American Episcopalian blamed for Africa rift, liberal Anglicanism dead (?), British nun miracles being examined by Vatican, secret papal outing, Sacerdos steps in to CW, Il Papa wants China open to Christianity, more women priests ordained, inflatable church on beach...
...Il Papa working on new encyclical, Cardinal Kasper at Lambeth, Feast of the Transfiguration, Greyfriars closing despite Vatican intervention, cemetery vandalism on rise, priests on hunger strike against bishop, Lugo hangs up mitre for presidency, Orthodox schism (?), bishop apologises to victims of CSA...
...Pius XII - The Hound of Hitler, begging is a human right says Vatican, war on bureaucracy in Vatican, CSA victims took own lives, schism better than heresy (?), Irish Diocesan Clerical Appointments - Tuam, Achonry, Kilmore, Raphoe and Waterford & Lismore...
...Irish religious orders still owe Irish State to settle CSA bill, sex shame priest drops case, 6th RC woman ordained this year, Saint Clare feastday, St Lawrence the Deacon, urge for Irish RC bishops to make island-wide reforms, Olympics 2008, Egyptian Christians under fresh pressures...
...YD08 pilgrims seeks asylum, Yahweh no more, Dominican Order reflourishing, 2 International Religious Organisations seek closer co-operation, open letter to AB Diarmuid Martin of Dublin, Indian nun commits suicide, Il Papa asked say no to fur...
...importance of prayer, when is contraception abortion?, Feast of the Assumption, decline in religion infers decline in marriage, former bishop now president, never betray Gospel, Anglican split is inevitable, morals of contraception, Vatican library makeover, Irish national assembly being considered, Irish Scientologists under pressure...
...Dead Sea scrolls on stone, Fr Troy transferred to Paris, Bishops NO to parish records being opened, priest tortured and killed in India, Mexican Church says short skirts equate rape, Il Papa warns against rise of Fascsim, beatification of parents of St Therese of Lisieux, new leade of Swiss Army in Vatican...
...Bishop Egger RIP, ecumenical dialogue to continue, holiness a normal vocation says Il Papa, Opus Dei prelate nears beatification, Beijing Bishop encourages Il Papa visit to China, Il Papa WYD '08 talks to be published, Reformed Catholic Church rejects Polish RC comments re gay sect...
...Knights Templar not heretical, bishop concerned for welfare of priests, liberation ordination, John Paul I, 1968 The Age of the Council, gay marriage on way in Ireland, 22 to begin studying for priesthood in Ireland, 60 years of WCC, Turin Shroud controversy again, update of Unfair Dismissal in Bray Co Wicklow, AB Martin in difficulties again...
...Cardinal Seán Brady blames secularisation for Lisbon NO vote, No to GM Eucharists, beauty contest for nuns (later withdrawn), Shroud of Turin up for debate again, Il Papa considerate of last leg of life, shadow over Beijing Olympics, Il Papa to write prayer for Irish grandparents, unholy row in Donegal....
...gambling on UK Cardinal Archbishop successor, elderly RC bishop arrested in China, ex-Baptist minister to become RC priest, Cardinal Arinze says no to Divorce, cross border church violence in Ireland, 2005 interregnum stamps and coins explained, Brother Roger of Taize, Wesley code cracked, Il Papa not happy with crucified frog...
...last executed witch exonerated, incense burning could lead to cancer, Irish clergy and teachers go head to head in education stakes, suicide rise in Ireland, Galileo statue in Vatican considered, Noah's Ark 2008...
...Vaticans solar panels installed, feast of beheading of St John the Baptist, 'I Have A Dream', Opus Dei to run wealthy Dublin parish, no burial room for atheists in Donegal, mosque in Cologne despite fears, Franciscan monks beaten in attacks in India, Vatican warns of growing Christianophobia, RC bishop says England has lost its way.
And there ends the month of August 2008...onwards to September, the month of the Holy Cross and of St Michael the Archangel....