Mr. Dunlop confirmed in questioning that he had meetings with this Priest (Fr Larry White) and phone calls from him.
If you google the flood tribunal for the Independent Newspapers in depth 2000 special on the Quarryvale Rezoning you will also find a letter from this Priest (Fr Larry White) and another Parish Priest to the Dublin Councillors lobbying them to change their vote for the rezoning.
The details also says local clergy had been lobbying.
Why were local Clergy and the Catholic Church getting involved in these dealings?
Would it make their Church land more valuable?
Were they taking payoffs if the zoning went through WITH THEIR HELP?
Did they sell land to the new development?
Is there a COVER UP because they are The Catholic Church in Ireland like the abuse cover ups?
Where are the answers and the transparency??????
Those who now have to PUT UP WITH this Parish Priest (Fr Larry White) running their southside Parish want answers NOW!!
Related Link: http://www.flood-tribunal.ie/images/SITECONTENT_761.pdf
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Sotto Voce
(Source: IM)