Sunday, May 26, 2024

CWI : The Oratory Society (1)

As one chapter closes, with the death of Patrick Buckley, so another begins, and The Oratory Society continues under the leadership of the Senior Priest, Fr Paul Creaner.

The property once inhabited by Patrick Buckley now reverts to the Diocese of Down and Connor post-Buckley funeral last Thursday (23rd May 2024) morning at 10am, and now seems to be operating out of 131 Main Street, LARNE, Co Antrim.

All blogspots and accompanying posts are gone, as indeed is the Oratory Society website.

It's like as if Patrick Buckley had never been amongst us...but yet we know only too well that indeed he was.

So, a few questions now arise which we would like to direct to Fr Paul Creaner...

1. Have you now assumed full 'Senior Priest' role of The Oratory Society?

2. If so, are you responsible for having Patrick Buckleys blogspots, posts, comments, X account etc being removed? If so, why?

3. If it was not you, then who removed all of the aforementioned? Who ordered it to be removed?

4. Do you intend to continue The Oratory Society?

5. Will The Oratory Society, under your 'guidance' now be taking a different, non-combative, non-slanderous, and more honest approach than that of Patrick Buckley heretofore?

6. Would you be willing to meet with those who were slandered, defamed, hurt, angered and deceived by Patrick Buckley via his website, blogspots, X account and Facebook accounts?

7. Would you be willing to meet with us here in CW?

8. Would you be open to working with us as we continue to investigate financial misconduct by your predecessor?

9. Would you be open to working with us as we engage with those who were deceived by your predecessor in matters pertaining to matters marital and financial (combined)?

We would like to assure you that we remain open to hearing from you, and meeting with you, at any time.


Eagarthóir / Editor