October is Rosary month, and CW decided to contribute to this important month by placing a reflection each day in relation to the Rosary and its appropriate Station...
...and the CofI has not been advised of UNESCO status by Irish Govt' in relation to Clonmacnoise, Bishop Wishie Washie Walsh promotes priesthood as a career, solar panels installed in Vatican, Ulkranian Bishop up for canonisation, Il Papa appoints 1st Nigerian Nuncio, Kerry Diocese clustering parishes...
...church weddings decreasing, Mayo theology, papal intentions for October, new marriage laws in England, Vatican blocks appointment of gay diplomat, St Francis of Assisi, Vatican drops children Eucharistic Prayers, Mormons to build in Rome...
...Newman body no longer exists, Anglican Church still divided over women bishops, snubbed clergyman speaks out, Il Papa opens synod, Rabbi condemnd Pius XII, Irish Bishops tackle drink and drugs, encyclical on Bible suggested, Church aided exiled cleric...
...Fair Trade clerical shirts launched, bishops discuss challenge of evangelization, Irish law term opens with sermon on bank crisis, Tutu encourages that the truth be spoken at all times, parishoners seek to oust Bishop, Il Papa for immigrant welcome, Vaticans cardinal sin, 5 arrests over nun rape...
...Pius XII and his Bible Revolution, Irish president graduates in Church law, De La Salle accused jury discharged, Reformed Catholic Church news update, Paris financial district church is busy, Portugal NO to same sex marriage, Iraqi AB says RC facing liquidation...
...online prayer in times of need, clericalism -v-religion, remembering John XXIII, Rev'd now new Fr Ted, common school enrollment policy in Diocese of Killaloe, 'sinful' voting for women clergy says Anglican bishop, ease restrictions on religious ads in Ireland called for...
...John Paul II a reactionary pope, 1st Indian saint canonised, more trouble in St Marys (Aus), Pope Day in Poland, anniversary of canonisation of St Oliver Plunkett, Killaloe Diocesan Archives, vandalism in Offaly church...
...Irish Bishops Conference costing €2.6million per annum, papal paper to change in presentation, Finnish prist loses case, Vatican bank money safe, art can be used to spread word of God, RC & same sex marriage...
...priests missing on ministry claims cardinal, visionary told to stop by AB, Poverty Blog Action Day 2008 (Ireland), women want priesthood march in Rome, Irish Cardinal says RC's should learn bible akin to Protestant families, 1982 attack on late Pope kept secret, bishop adopts 26 year old woman, Benedict to blog(?)...
...new bishops appointed, Orthodox churches to heal internal divisions, Rotterdam to get Muslim mayor, AD of Dublin has parish under investigation for financial mismanagement, Catholicism and Contraception, Il Papa snubs Israel...
...priests call for swearing to be stamped out, Hans Kung honoured, bible not sexist, Irish RC Missionary numbers dropping, 50 years of female minister, 'oil of gladness' warning, Il Papa warns doctors of the patients right to dignity, suspended priests still in ministry where they offended, God TV debuts in China, Sr Emmanuelle RIP...
...St Theresa parents beatified, praying the Rosary, Mel Gibson church worth $42 million, Vatican City National Day, celibacy is a provocation, Fr Austin Flannery OP RIP, RCC Autumn Synod, canonisation of Pius XII raises voices of opposition, atheist posters great advert for Christianity...
...complete works of Il Papa to be printed, Irish clerical rumblings, update of story on parish in Bray, Czech church restitution in dispute, Vatican challenged in relation to Rwanda genocide, new Nuncio secretary arrives in Australia, gay saints remembered...
...recession good for us all, CofE reports rise in donations and ordinations, John XXIII remembered, poverty crisis in South Africa forewarned, final Synod report, no sex-ed classes for Irish scouts, Serbian Patriarch resigns, priest speaks out over Mafia...
...Il Papa to visit Africa, Irish RC owes on CSA cases still, Ireland's Vatican Pimpernel award, Neil Horan wishes to return to pulpit, scientology under the microscope, gay priest true to himself, questions over €100,000 birthday bash for Il Papa, turban issue rages in France, 55 propositions from Synod, exorcisms and RC...
...Samaritans under suspicion in Dublin Archdiocese, sex abuse priest on the run, final 55 propositions of Synod, baby grave problem in Belfast, Vatican II still relevant says Il Papa, human face of Vatican switchboard, rehabilitating Pope Pius XII...
...Blessed John XXIII 50 years later, AB Clifford rants at UCC stem cell research, Jesus not God claims priest, 2 Jesuits murdered in Moscow, Scottish Cardinal causing probs with 'Nazi' remark, Il Papa homily at end of Synod, Vatican murder play hits the stage...
...1st pregnant Catholic priest, mystery of Cardinals missing remains, 2009 Year of Africa in RC Church, new seminarian guidelines issued by Vatican, 'Angels & Demons' hits the silver screen, terrorist attack on RC university in Spain, where the Queen upsets gay groups, Nazi Vatican records not opening for 7 years, Reformed Cathoilc Church grows apace, freeze on Pius XII canonisation.
And thus ends the month of October, month of the Rosary and we now enter into November which is the month of the deceased and also shall mark the beginning of Advent.
Gach uile beannacht
Sotto Voce