Friday, May 24, 2024

CW : Public Apology

In my position as Editor of this blogspot, I must also take responsibility for any wrongdoings on the part of those who were in this position before I assumed it in recent times.

As a result of our posting about the death of Patrick Buckley, an email did come in to our colleague who brought it to my attention, but wished to personally take care of the matter himself.

Regrettably, back in 2017, this blogspot did post an article which had been carried in a national Irish newspaper, an article that had been fed to same said newspaper by Patrick Buckley, and contained no truth whatsoever.

My predecessor permitted the publishing of this article without doing the triple check, and in so doing, broke one of our own golden rules, and this article caused nothing but hurt and pain to the person concerned, and indeed only heaped further trouble on this person.

This article and situation I was unaware of until Wednesday afternoon, when the person concerned sent an email into us, and I forwarded it to our 'Buckley Bullet' colleague, and he made contact with the person concerned.

As the matter was being discussed, and with my full support, the offending article was fully removed.

I am well aware that our colleague offered his full, sincerest and heartfelt apologies to the person concerned, and I would now like to echo those same said apologies - in public via this notice.

You know who you are, as indeed do I and my colleague, and without reservation, we fully acknowledge our part in having contributed to a situation which was no doubt a challenging time for you, personally and indeed for your family and friends.

Any and all pain, upset, anger, and frustration that our posting of this article no doubt caused you - we apologise wholeheartedly and sincerely to you.

I am well aware that my colleague will be meeting with you in person to again apologise to you, and in so doing, he does it on our behalf here in CW.

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Eagarthóir / Editor