November opens with All Saints Day reflection, followed by All Souls Day, Anglican Canada says cool to same sex marriages, excommunication looms for St Marys, Il Papa to go to Burma, Vatican staff back on clockcards, Armagh AD to pool resources...
...Mass via internet in Portugal, violent clergy in Italy, priest ears boxed over ringing bells, Cardinal Brady puts his foot into same sex legislation, Irish Bishop falsely claims pre-signed Mass cards are valueless, Papal Christmas ceremony list released...
...RC/Muslim forum opens in Vatican, Cardinal claims Humanae Vitae cut off many from the church, Womenpriests ordain again, between God and celibacy, CSA victims keep tabs of their abusers as Church fails to do so, 500 years of Calvinism, was Jesus a socialist?...
...Nazi issue halts Pius XII beatification, the Bishop and the Blonde, Irish RC under fire for failure to support Lisbon Treaty, Il Papa says death makes one face reality, Obama -v- Vatican, influential Popes post-death, Reformed Catholic Church in Ireland responds to Cardinal gay gaffe...
...AB Martin former judge in Vatican, joint RC/Muslim declaration, RC ready for Black Pope, Pius XII not Hitlers Pope claims Vatican, Vatican document on use of psychology in the seminary, family as foundation of society, Il Papa and euthanasia, Ugandan call for more women priests, defections in US Episcopal Church...
...Archdiocese of Dublin has 150 priests under CSA investigation, Limerick man appointed Abbot of Glenstal, tv programmes influence teen pregnancies, feast of the Lateran Basilica, Bishop says celibacy is not necessary,
...brawl at Jerusalem church, AD of Dublin in serious financial trouble as result of CSA, Il Papa 'pained' by Kristallnacht, Cardinal Brady told keep nose out of the nations bedrooms, hope for Il Papa trip to UK, Fr Iggy O'Donovan speaks against Cardinal remarks...
...Euro bishops call for Sunday to be protected as day of rest, proxy Mormons face wrath of Jews, Diocese of Kerry Pastoral Plan unveiled, laity urged to withhold church contributions, blessing for children in womb endorsed, Irish RC bishops defend religious education, rise in residential abuse bill, excommunication threat against US priest, new book on Mother Teresa...
...Obama and Il Papa talk, suicides on rise in Ireland due to recession, sham marriages taking place in Irish registry offices, new Salesian superior, churches hit by economic slump, Obama supporters urged repent before receiving Communion, The Priests launch CD, counter-reformation begins at Vatican...
...parents claim CSA of child led to suicide, Ad Limina backlog, Veritas in the *&%$£ over advert, Michelangelo's hidden agenda, on reserving priestly ordination to men, Vatican will not recognize Kosovo, half of CofE clergy will be female by 2018, last of Medical Missionaries of Mary dies, Il Papa advises RC's in politics must follow faith...
...Vatican goes blue for diabetes, Irish fertility clinic will only treat married couples, pastoral services in AD of Dublin under threat due to CSA financial crisis, call to keep religion out of politics, Cardinal Brady out of touch with reality, Irish Scientology book pulled due to legal threats by Scientologists, 'Secret Pimpernel of the Vatican' honoured in native Kerry, sidelining of Christianity in Britain...
...open letter to Il Papa re female ordinations, 'naked priest' convicted, Italian nuns demand right to 'living wills', Il Papa bookstore opens in Vatican, review of new book on Vatican, The Priests aim for No 1 for Christmas, RC bishops sow division, concern in US Episcopal Church over divisons, attempted blackmail of priest in Italy, schismatic religious order (OMA) under scrutiny, masculinity lessons for priests...
...Confirmation the sacrament of farewell, 188 Japenese martyrs beatified, Italian nun in hot water over right-to-die debate, Il Papa clarifies Luthers idea of justification, Sister Act hits the stage, Israel secures the Vatican, prelates unhappy with Vatican bureaucracy, Fr Peyton cause opens in the USA, 1st beatification of Cuban, Vatican 'forgives' the Beatles, Sr Meena gang raped by 40 men, naked jogger priest gets 5 years...
...Brazilian psychologists will not co-operate with Vatican weeding out programme of homosexuals, moral conversion needed to stem violence says Irish bishop, the (eco) greening of the Vatican, Veritas advert pulled, Jesuit Superior General endorses Liberation Theology, World AIDS Day should be remembered, info on the Liturgical Year, 4 names considered to position of AB of Westminster, Feast of Christ the King (23rd November 2008), House of Prayer returns donations...
...rise of suicides during downturn, Scottish bishop tipped to be new AB of Westminster, Germany drops ban on Scientology, Irish pilgrims get the ailment and not the cure in Lourdes, CSA claims in Orthodox Jewish Community, Irish priest involved with land corruption, Redemptorist priest tackles Irish bishops in new book, bishop says Christmas is coming, do nothing!!, parish of Bray Update, SABLE mail order funny goings on, Vatican condemns internet and mobile phones...
...Great Schism recalled, Spanish classrooms to be devoid of crucifixes, grave charges in North of Ireland criticised, 'chocolate' Jesus tasteless, warning on Irish Church finances, Vatican solar system inaugurated, WYD'08 budget overspent 6fold, ancient Irish Christian sites threatened by erosion, Winter meeting of Irish Bishops conference...
...Il Papa to visit Israel in 2009, Nepal's 1st Christmas, comment on church finances warning, rebel bishop Michael Cox illegaly weds in Ireland, Christian policeman loses appeal against gay promo in work, document on bio-ethics due in December from Vatican, OMA causing grief again, Placido Domingo unveils music to late Pope JPII, Rabbi killed selflessly in Mumbai, financial woes in Diocese of Derry, unity of Irish Bishops against Civil Partnership Bill, UK bishops pamphlets push for gay agenda.
For Advent,CW will publish a special reflection and prayer in the lead up to Christmas, and I invite you all to join us as we do so.
Gach uile beannacht,
Sotto Voce