Sunday, January 26, 2025

CWI : Operation Limericiensis (4)

In recent times, we have been able to elicit more information in relation to this matter, which involves a certain priest whose name we have, a porn peddler and the Diocese of Limerick....and involves aforementioned priest selling relics - knowing them to be fakes...

....and now has developed into a 'security guard' (unvetted by the Irish Security Industry Association) located at a convent church, An Garda Síochána in Henry Street, Limerick, a convent involved (perhaps, unwittingly) in potential money-laundering via its accounts, a retreat centre in the North West of the country....

....into that mix then add forged 'celebrat' paperwork by aforementioned priest (must be getting lesssons from Fintan in Killaloe), who was also parading and peddling his false relics in the North West of Ireland, before being found out and recalled to the Diocese of Limerick....all this whilst this same said priest is supposedly on leave pending canonical investigation by the Diocese of Limerick....

....but don't worry, once we have the full legal clearance required, we will print names, incidents etc, and if anyone realises they have been scammed, we will be only too happy to legally help them sue the priest and the Diocese involved.



Eagarthóir / Editor