Friday, May 24, 2024



On Friday 17th May 2024, the news broke that Patrick Buckley had died, and for many, there was a sense of shock and disbelief.

We here in CW then posted a piece which we feel has made a very restrained, but fair observation and insight of Patrick Buckley, and all of it based on fact and evidence.

Since that post went public, we here in CW have been staggered by the incoming communications from so many people, and if nothing else, it has vindicated our position in relation to him, and his behaviour towards so, so many people that he hurt in so, so many ways down through the years.

We have been lucky that we have had someone here in CW who has never failed to investigate and expose Patrick Buckley - the Buckley Bullet we have nicknamed him due to his tenacity - and he has continued to investigate any and all information pertinent to Patrick Buckley since the announcement of his death.

As part of his ongoing work, he has now been assigned two full time staff to assist him going forward, as we are only too well aware of how this is going to become something more than just a death notice of someone who happened to die last Friday.

Our colleague has been fielding telephone calls, emails and legal meetings since last weekend - alongside his own daytime job - and we can only but support him on a full time basis for as long as this takes.

What I mean by 'as long as this takes' will be better explained in the coming days, and made public here.

In the interim, as part of what we expect to come down the line to us here, and so as to streamline what is going to emerge, any and all future postings in relation to Patrick buckley will be filed under the 'Operation Truth' links list on the sidebar of this blogspot.

It only makes sense.... 

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Eagarthóir / Editor