Sunday, August 11, 2024

CWI : Operation Laonia (32)

And we are back with you again Fintan, and we will not be letting you totally out of our sights as heretofore.

Now that you have 2 students beginning their journey of discernment and another returning from his time out, no doubt you are somewhat relieved at such news - and all in time for the Vatican visit 2 weekends ago.

Your forging of documents which we will continue to claim (not allege) against you was well discussed as indeed were all the allegations we have made here in CW - and we will continue to make until and such time as you account for yourself.

Whether that be in a courtroom or any other way, we will, in time, publish our evidence to verify all allegations of your failures...and our offer to meet with you and your solicitor stands...for now.

You are no doubt thinking of the days ahead which you hope to spend down in Thurles once the other cover-up merchant currently in residence down there, and formerly of Westbourne, Kieran O Reilly, retires officially on 8th August 2027.

Just another 3 years to go eh Fintan.

Not if others have their way Fintan - and the truth will play a most crucial role in all of that.

One question for you today Fintan - do you still believe her?