Monday, July 16, 2007

CWI : Gaydar Priest (6) : Fr Michael Hogan

And so the changes within the Diocese of Killaloe were announced last week with note being taken of the leave of absence by Fr Mike Hogan from the parish of Feakle.

As you may remember, Fr Hogan got into a spot of bother earlier this year by having pictures of himself sent on the gay chat site his underwear no less and please pardon the pun...he was then exposed by no less than a gutter paper.

It was heartening to see the parishoners stand in support of him, and the local Bishop, one Willie Walsh went to the parish to seek soundings from which was expected some statement which in fact failed to materialise so the wait then began for the changes in the diocese to happen before any word was available as to what would be happening with Fr Hogan.

Well, it seems that he has now taken a leave of absence from the parish and indeed the priesthood so as to obtain some sex therapy....

So let me now put this into perspective not just for myself but indeed for us all...

Gay priest goes on to gay chat website, loneliness a factor no doubt, and seeks some discreet sexual fun, found out, makes it into public domain, matter of national debate and support, then all goes quiet...he has personally apologised to all his parishoners who support him and wish to keep him...

However, officialdom has now intervened and Fr Hogan has been convinced of the need to seek sex therapy for what have been termed his sexual perversions....well I would call it desperation borne from a sense of loneliness and frustration and yet again the RC Church refuses to acknowledge this and again blames anything, anyone and everything except themselves and enforced rule of celibacy.

Personally, I would like to offer my best wishes and prayers to Fr Mike as he begins his journey of discovery and hopefully some peace....

On another level, it yet again is another mark on the bishop and his hypocrisy of late so perhaps the sooner he does step down the better as he seems to be losing the support of his parishoners and flock in the diocese...maybe he also needs a trip away to do a little inner discernment...