This morning at 10 a.m. Mass with a very sad face the Parish Priest said we should think of all those who have just heard they have lost their jobs and been laid off because it is a devastating time for them and their families etc. etc.
This coming from the award winner "Hypocrite of the Year" who caused this devastating time for the last three plus years to the former Parish Secretary who worked at Our Lady Queen of Peace Bray whom he unfairly dismissed because "she was given knowledge of things regarding his private life and he did not like it and felt the Secretary was a threat and had to go".
Said Secretary has battled for the last 3+ years for an apology and reinstatement to her job which was unfairly taken from her.
To date she has spent €26,000 in legal fees while the Church and Parishioners cough up the fees for Fr. White.
Proof that she was excellent in her job can be seen on Indymedia in a letter from previous Parish Priest Canon MacMahon who had hired the Secretary in the first instance and said reference letter was given to her just two months before the Court hearing praising her good work in the Parish.
That was 18 months after her unfair dismissal so he gave her letter to help her case.
Fr. Larry White and his legal team refused to have that letter seen or read by the Unfair Dismissal Tribunal (surely it would have damaged his case).
The Secretary won her first case before the Rights Commissioner for Fr. White not giving her any written Contract for the 3 years she worked for him in spite of him and his legal team declaring they had.
Unfortunately for them no signed contract existed or could be produced in spite of PP producing a typed one and saying it was legal but unsigned by either party (!!!)and aftrer many protests from the PP the Rights Commissioner believed the Secretary who told the truth and awarded the case to her with Fr. White being in breach of the Labour Laws regarding contract.
This can also be seen on Indymedia.
The second Unfair Dismissal case has been appealed due to the fact the Tribunal were bowing and scrapiing to the Parish Priest because he put his collar on 5 minutes before the hearing (but never normally wears one) and they also refused to issue a Witnesses Summons for a very "relevant witness" whom Fr. White did not want to appear under "any circumstances" so it was not a level playing field but a stitch up job for the hearing when the Church had the power to order that Witness Summons not be granted.
The Tribunal also refused at Fr. White and his legal teams request too disallow a recording of very relevant verbal evidence that would have thrown his case out!!!!
There have been too many cover ups and lies and denials.
There is also an Equality Hearing case still pending regarding porn and sexual Harrassment in the workplace that the Secretary complained about 2 months before her dismissal but the man at the centre of things stayed in his job for a further 2 years.
Letter from FAS held by Secretary proves this as fact and said letter can also be seen on Indymedia.
The Secretary always said that the job was a vocation not just a secretarial job and it is quite disgusting now for her to hear Parishioners whom you would not normally hear swear curse the persent lady (???) in the job to high heaven for her Ignorance and general bad manners. They are treated like they should not interrupt her but that is what she is paid and there for.
They were used to being greeted with a smile and being cared about and people who treat others with such contempt are not worthy to hold the position they were just dumped into on the whim of the Hypocrite of the Year Award Winner.
He has brought the Parish to its knees since his arrival.
The cronies who surround him in all the jobs are giving the entire place a really bad name.
By the way he looks a shadow of his former self so we think the pidgeons are coming home to roost for him or will shortly. You can't get away with abuses forever.
If anyone out there has any information on a Dr. Damian Mohan Forensic Psychiatrist and his connections with the Catholic Church in Ireland can you please email clerical whispers about same to be passed on to us.
This man without a medical or psychological test, a second opinion, talking to a person's GP or seeing their lifelong medical records, can meet a stranger for 2 hours and on behalf of the Church end your working life without any form of appeal.
This is another person who plays God so our Parish Priest and himself are well matched.
Please do if you have ANY information pass it on as we will be most grateful.
Like with all the abuse cases even with the above strange way of doing things for a medical specialist the Irish Medical Council did not feel there was a case to investigate said Doctor.
Mary Harney passed letters on to HSE and others but still no satisfaction.
When the Church can get the answers it wants from ANYONE legal, medical, State, what hope has the private citizen against them.
Nothing but corruption from the top of the Church down and we sadly let them away with it but not this time this will continue for as long as it takes...................
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Sotto Voce
(Source: FFPVT)