Sunday, July 14, 2024

CWI : The Oratory Society (5)

A few more questions for The Oratory Society (TOS), namely the person of Paul Creaner

1. Do you intend to update your website for the TOS, and in doing so, address the issues we raised here which resulted in you taking the site down on 1st July 2024?

2. Will you be still using the address of 6 Princes Gardens, Larne or another address of 131 Main Street, Larne for future communications?

3. Will TOS be vacating 6 Princes Gardens, Larne, and returning the keys to its lawful owners, namely the Diocese of Down and Connor by the end of August 2024 as per agreement reached in January 2012?

4. Does TOS have, as per norms and legal requirements, a designated Safeguarding Officer?

5. If so, who is this designated Safeguarding Officer, and what are their qualifications?

6. If not, why not?

7. If you are to continue to use 6 Princes Gardens, Larne, does TOS have public liability insurance?

8. Are you, as per head of TOS, or Eduardo, paying the rates, utilities and associated costs for 6, Princes Gardens, Larne?

And these questions are for Eduardo :

9. On the one hand you have claimed that you are the Executor of the estate of your allegedly celibate 'partner/husband', Patrick Buckley, and yet have also claimed elsewhere that there is no will or estate. Which one is the truth Eduardo?

10. Are you Eduardo, willing to meet any of the 55 men infected with HIV by your allegedly celibate 'partner/husband', Patrick Buckley?

Some simple questions Eduardo and Paul....maybe ye would like to address them in the public interest...honestly.

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Eagarthóir / Editor