Primary education at Presentation Brothers, Scoil Chríost Rí, Turner’s Cross.
Secondary Education at Coláiste Chríost Rí, Cork
Joined the Society of African Missions in Wilton, Cork in 1970
Received Bachelor of Arts Degree from St Patrick’s College, Maynooth in 1974 followed by a Bachelor of Divinity in 1977 and a Diploma in Mission Studies in 1978.
Fully professed as a member of the Society of African Missions on the 10th April 1977.
Ordained priest for the Society of African Missions on June 17th 1978.
Worked in the Archdiocese of Monrovia in Liberia from 1978 to 1980
Studied at the Pontifical Biblical Institute from 1980 to 1984 graduating with a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture (LSS)
Lecturer in Sacred Scripture (New Testament Studies) in Sts. Peter and Paul’s Seminary, Ibadan, Nigeria from 1984 to 1989
Served as a member of the Provincial Council of the Irish Province of the Society of African Missions between 1989 and 1995
Vicar General of the Society of African Missions from 1995 to 2001
Elected as the 11th Superior General of the Society of African Missions from 2001 to 2007
Attended two Synods of Bishops – On the Word of God in 2008 and the 2nd Special Synod for Africa in 2009 – as a member representing the Union of Superiors General
Currently serving second term as Superior General of the society, a position to which he was re-elected in 2007