Sunday, May 09, 2010

Holy Father to accept text messages this week

Adding creativity to the call for solidarity with Pope Benedict XVI, an Italian television program will open a telephone line this week through which anyone can send text messages to the Holy Father. The messages, it is said, will be delivered to him directly.The texting initiative was developed after an Italian national lay organization, CNAL, called for all who support the Pope to attend the Regina Coeli on Sunday, May 16, in St. Peter's Square.

Catering to those who cannot be present for the Regina Coeli, RaiUno television's "In His Image" program has come up with the idea of sending texts to the Holy Father through a line that will be open as of May 9.

They claim that all messages sent to (+39) 335-18-63-091 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (+39) 335-18-63-091 end_of_the_skype_highlighting will delivered to the Pope himself.

"It is a truly unique occasion," said "In His Image" show host Rosario Carello to SIR news agency.

"Through this number anyone will be able to show their solidarity, even those who will not be physically in St. Peter's Square."

In a statement on April 14, the lay association announced the call to fill St. Peter's Square in order to "deliver our fidelity to the Holy Father into the hands of Mary for the good of the Church.”