The month of the Dead opens with Israel recognising the Patriarch, with the monks in Burma returning to the streets, satire of Il Papa condemned, Cardinal Biffi drops bombshell, All Saints Day is commented upon...
...Commission drafts Missal translation, Irish RC moves on education, Brady announced as Cardinal, All Souls Day remembered, priests fear drinking altar wine may put them over limit, Saudi King to meet with Il Papa, Belgium now anti-Scientology...
...abuse amongst SA clergy deemed rampant, statutes of limitation on CSA to be extended?, clerical shenannigans in RC Ireland, AB Martin condemns wealthy over drug abuse, Vatican says people need overcome prejudice towards gypsies, Lutheran-RC dialogue continues as does Mennonite dialogue...
...theologians concerned about German politically correct Bible, CofE ignored CSA allegations for years, RC bishop asks Catholics to 'get real' on AIDS, RC convent in Romania...
...US bishop anti female ordination, diocese cuts jobs to save money, Beijing Olympics ban Bible, RC bishop backs brothel regulation, Il Papa petitioned to beatify Pope Pius XII, does RC welcome gay and lesbian community, RC AD yes to hookers but no to female priests...
...priest fired for funeral concelebration with Episcopalian, gays and Protestants welcome to partake in St Patricks Day NY parade, GodTube goes live, Irish bishop says Church is responsible for todays moral mess, turbulent clergy to take anger management courses...
...women ordained in USA, RC church becomes mosque, Austrian bishops not permitted enter Holy Land for wearing crosses, married clergy not solution to priest shortage, Il Papa costs $100million to host WYD'08, liberation theology lives on...
...Il Papa encyclical due before Christmas, CofE female ordinations now outstrip those of men, Il Papa wooing the Anglicans, Luther remembered, Spanish AB on trial for bullying, Church of Norway pro gay religious ministers, more Irish carry on tpye shenannigans...
...Jesuits in Alaska to pay $50 million in CSA payout, Il Papa on i-Pod for Christmas, Gregorian chant back in favour, new Bishop of Achonry (Ireland) appointed, gay Italian choir boy to appeal dismissal, Canada Cardinal sorry for abuses, Greek Metropolitan Bishop calls Il Papa a heretic...
...'Fr' Dennis Ward warning issued, Consistory time in Vatican, profile of new cardinals, Papal visit to Ireland touted, Mexico City RC cathedral re-opens, Il Papa and Dalai Lama not to meet, RC Ireland population numbers falling, Brazil bishop on hunger strike.
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