Here is a list of the new cardinals:
1. Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco (Italian), Archbishop of Genova, Italy.
2. Cardinal Sean Baptist Brady, of Armagh, Ireland, Primate of all Ireland.
3. Cardinal Angelo Comastri (Italian), Archpriest of St Peter's Basilica.
4. Cardinal Paul Joseph Cordes (German), President of Cor Unum, the Vatican's charity arm.
5. Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo (American), Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, United States.
6. Cardinal Raffaele Farina, (Italian), the Vatican's chief archivist and librarian.
7. Cardinal John Patrick Foley (American), former Vatican official, Pro-Grand Master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem.
8. Cardinal Agustin Garcia-Gasco Vicente (Spanish), Archbishop of Valencia, Spain.
9. Cardinal Oswald Gracias (Indian), Archbishop of Mumbai, India.
10. Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo (Italian), Governor of Vatican City.
11. Cardinal Lluis Martinez Sistach (Spanish), Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain.
12. Cardinal John Njue (Kenyan), Archbishop of Nairobi.
13. Cardinal Francisco Robles Ortega (Mexican), Archbishop
of Monterrey, Mexico.
14. Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko (Polish), President of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Laity.
15. Cardinal Leonardo Sandri (Argentine), Prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for Oriental Churches.
16. Cardinal Theodore-Adrien Sarr (Senegalese) Archbishop of Dakar.
17. Archbishop Odilio Pedro Scherer (Brazilian), Archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
18. Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris.
1. Cardinal Umberto Betti (Italian), former rector of the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome.
2. Cardinal Giovanni Coppa (Italian), Vatican diplomat.
3. Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly (Iraqi), Patriach of Babylon of Chaldeans.
4. Cardinal Estanislao Esteban Karlic (Argentine), retired archbishop of Parana, Argentina.
5. Cardinal Urbano Navarrete (Italian), former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
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Sotto Voce