On Dec. 1, at 5 p.m. in St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Father will celebrate first vespers for the first Sunday of Advent.
Then, on Dec. 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Pope will pay homage to Mary Immaculate at 4 p.m. in Rome's Piazza di Spagna.
Benedict XVI will make a pastoral visit and celebrate Mass at the Roman parish of Santa Maria del Rosario ai Maritiri Portuensi on Dec. 16, the third Sunday of Advent.
On Christmas Eve, the Pope will celebrate midnight Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. He will give his blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city of Rome and the world) at midday on Dec. 25.
Then New Year's Eve at 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Father will celebrate first vespers of thanksgiving for the past year.
There is one rite of beatification approved by the Pontiff for December. The beatification of the Servant of God Lindalva Justo de Oliveira will be held Dec. 2, the first Sunday of Advent, in the Barradao Stadium of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
On New Year's Day, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God and 41st World Day of Peace, the Holy Father will preside at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at 10 a.m.
That Sunday, Jan. 6, the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, the Pontiff will celebrate Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at 10 a.m.
The Pope will baptize a number of children Jan. 13, the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, when he presides at Mass in the Sistine Chapel at 10 a.m.
On Jan. 25, feast of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, the Pope will celebrate vespers at 5:30 p.m. in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.
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Sotto Voce