Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sable Mail Order - Questionable Goings On

My dear bloggies, it is rare that we have to bring something of the following to the attention of our readers, but considering the amount of correspondence we have received in relation to this company, and having sought considerable legal advice, we felt that it was important that this be notified to you all.

Over the last few months - indeed for almost a year now - we have received 5 seperate contributions in relation to Sable Mail Order, which is based in Thurles, Co Tipperary.

Sable provides clerical clothing and accessories and certainly would be deemed to now have a monopoly in Ireland due to the closure of Donal Stanley et al in recent times. However, with monopolies seems to come abuse of position and Sable are now guilty of such behaviour.

From the clergy who have been in touch with us here, the following is worth noting:

* Non-delivery of goods ordered and paid for;

* Goods not being accepted back having been received in damaged condition;

* Failure to respond on a contnuous basis to calls and letters in relation to orders;

* Incorrect and inconsistent pricing eg prices quoted on website are cheaper than when then invoiced for aforementioned goods;

* One customer found themselves in the position of having to wait over a 15 months to get a bill sorted - even when over in Rome he attempted to get it sorted;

* Another customer paid the bill and now Sable are claiming they have not received the money despite evidence exisiting to the contrary - they are now threatening him with legal action!!!

* Obnoxious and rude, unprofessional and unhelpful;

* One parish priest is now at the point where he has decided that no more business will be done with them as they will refuse to accept that goods arrived damaged;

We encourage those of you who also have experienced problems with this company to come forward, and we guarantee confidentiality.

As clergy, we are responsible for ensuring that we are accountable for the money we spend on behalf of the parish, and that the purchases are deserving of the price paid.

No responsibility or liability shall attach itself to either myself or to the blogspot ‘Clerical Whispers’ for any or all of the articles placed here.

The placing of an article hereupon does not necessarily imply that I agree or accept the contents of the article as being necessarily factual in theology, dogma or otherwise.

Sotto Voce

(Source: SVPVT)