I want to offer my sincere sympathy and regret to those who have experienced child sexual abuse, even though I realise I can never fully understand the depth of their suffering and pain.
The report documents evil and criminal activity and highlights a dreadful failure to respond to it appropriately.
I renew my appeal to all who were sexually abused by clergy to come forward if they have not already done so. I assure them that they will be treated with respect and dignity.
The Diocese of Kerry is fully committed to safeguarding children and young people. We have put in place policies, procedures and personnel, in every parish, to see to it that children and young people are cared for as they participate in the various Church activities in their parish.
As we begin the season of Advent, a time of repentance and hope, I pray for healing for all who have been hurt and betrayed by the failings of the Church.
+Bill MurphyBishop of Kerry
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