Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Miracle of Christmas

The Miracle of Christmas is not in the gifts we give or receive, but in the laughter shared, the hands held, the hugs exchanged, the special words spoken.

These are what we remember long after the day has passed, the presents opened, the tree stored away for another year.

It is a day for remembering our Saviour was born to bring joy and life to our world, for remembering those we love who are now at God’s side, for remembering those who hold a special place in our heart.

It is the anniversary of a miracle, God’s gift to us of peace, of joy, of hope.

We are, each of us, a miracle, born with gifts to share with those around us, as Jesus did when he was among us.

Your gift is your way with people, your way of making others feel they truly are important.

To be able to share a gift such as that is the true Miracle of Christmas.

Your gift to me is our sharing of this day, the memories I will have when I close my eyes on Christmas night and my thoughts are of the day just passed.

My gift to you I cannot buy, nor wrap, nor send, for it is my Love.

(Karen Maree Canavan)