In the book “101 Places To Have Sex Before You Die,” authors Marsha Normandy and Joseph St. James wrote:
“The only sex the Church doesn”t frown upon is the married, heterosexual and birth control-free kind, so the odds are the pope is pretty displeased with you already.
Instead of carrying all that mortal sin around with you for weeks at a time until you can make it to confession, why not combine both with a quick and tidy 2-for-1 session?
“It”d be pretty hard for both of you (it doesn”t count if your partner is the priest) to sneak into the booth during Mass, so avoid Sundays, as well as big holidays such as Christmas Eve and Easter, when the pews are likely to be filled.” The book adds that drawbacks include: “splinters, ex-communication, Peeping (Father) Tom.”
Joe Zwilling, a rep for the New York Archdiocese, criticized the content insisting it to be a sick stuff
“This is sick stuff and the authors and the book publishers should be ashamed of themselves . . . Let’’s hope the reaction from people is . . . strong,” New York Post quoted Zwilling, as saying.
“The kind of people who would have sex in the confessional would also have sex in a graveyard. And I don”t mean with each other,” added Catholic League president Bill Donohue.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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Sotto Voce
(Source: ANI)