In all of this, it is important to remember the silent and almost unnoticed arrival of the Christchild - almighty God unveiled with breathtaking gentleness - a flesh and blood pact offered to all of humanity; an approachable God whom we believers can now experience, in Christ, as our loving Father.
Gone is the distance, gone is the fear, gone is uncertainty, for God is with us, Emmanuel.
This Christmas, take time out to consider this invitation brought to us by the Christchild. Give yourself the gift of growing into this heavenly peace - a peace of mind, heart, soul and body.
Take time with family and friends these next few days, visit neighbours and make room for those who experience loneliness or grief.
In all that we still have, let's be mindful of the many in the world less fortunate than ourselves.
Allow the Spirit that comes from counting what blessings we do have, to shape and sustain our future.
I take this opportunity to extend to you all every kind wish and blessing for Christmas and the New Year.
+Denis Brennan
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