"Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall declare your praise."
we need your help.
Free us from sin and bring us to life.
Support us by your power.
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Daily Meditation
On that day ...
The reading from Isaiah is another promise of a day of victory,
when the tables will be turned on injustice.
Today, let's turn to our God, with all our needs.
Part of our Advent journey is about learning to hope
- learning to imagine what we can't see.
Let's go through our day today, desiring freedom with a growing confidence
in our God who promises to save us.
Come and set us free, Lord, God of power and might.
Let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.
Christ is the wisdom and power of God, and his delight is to
be with the children of men. With confidence, let us pray:
Draw near us, Lord.
Lord Jesus Christ, you have called us to your glorious kingdom,
- make us walk worthily, pleasing God in all we do.
You who stand unknown among us,
- reveal yourself to men and women.
You are nearer to us than we to ourselves,
- strengthen our faith and our hope of salvation.
You are the source of holiness,
- keep us holy and without sin now and until the day
of your coming.
Closing Prayer
God of strength and protection,
I turn to you because I need help.
I long to be free enough
to trust that I can lean on you.
But I become afraid.
Help me to trust in you, Lord.
Your strength and power
are a gentle place of protection.
I long for your help, your protecting care.
Help to deliver me from the cold
loneliness of these dark nights.
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life.