Popular pastor Father Ian Kennedy was not at the family home yesterday in Hazelwood Avenue and he has not been returning calls to his mobile or landline in Ballinafad.
Father Ian Kennedy had been acting parish priest of Aughanagh which takes in Ballinafad, Balyrush and Corrigeenroe since the departure of Father Brian Hanley in 2005.
In a shock announcement to parishioners on Sunday January 15 he cited ‘personal reasons’ for his surprise departure from the priesthood.
Boyle Parish Priest Canon Gerard Hanley was asked to celebrate Mass in Ballinafad last Sunday, during which Fr Kennedy addressed the congregation.
Canon Hanley said that Fr Kennedy had “resigned from ministry totally ”due to “personal reasons”.
“It did come as a shock to me, but this is something that he has done of his own free will for his own personal reasons. I understood it is something he has thought about on and off for some time and he spoke to the Bishop recently and came to this agreement,” said Canon Hanley.
The canon stressed that Fr Kennedy had not been asked by the Bishop to step down and it was something he had decided of his own free will.
He added that there was “nothing sinister” behind Fr Kennedy’s decision to resign from ministry.
Father Kennedy, who is in his early 40s, trained in the University of Wales, Swansea, Maynooth University and NUIG was described as a great community priest.
He is the second of three sons of Padraig and the late Anna Kennedy and a first cousin of Sligo priest Father Alan Conway.
“We are very sad to see him go but we wish him well in his future life. Ian has so much to offer and will be missed but the community has great understanding of the background to his going. He will have all our love and support” said a parishioner.