Saturday, January 14, 2012

Canadian ambassador Anne Leahy:"Dignity of the human being is key"

“I think the Holy Father is remarkably coherent – over the years, certainly, but [especially] in his recent speeches.”

Canadian Ambassador to the Holy See, Anne Leahy, on Monday offered her reaction to the Pope’s “State of the World” address to diplomats accredited to the Holy See. 

“It boils down to a respect for the dignity of the human being is really the key, to resolving financial and economic crisis, and to give hope to millions of youth who find themselves a bit in a desperate situation in many countries.”
She spoke about how the Holy Father used the experience of young people as a starting point to address world issues.

“It is very interesting that the pope started from that point, the situation of the youth in many countries, to go to North Africa, the Middle East where he talked about specific situations.”