...people the real treasure says CofE AB, Irish Government bans pre-signed Mass cards, 200 years of Brigidines in Mountrath, 20 killed on missions in 2008, Abbot turns down Westminster job, papal intentions for January 2009, Russian Church and State Relations, war in Middle East under scrutiny...
...Vatican censures Fr Haight SJ, Vancouver AB retires due to ill health, 1st female CofE bishop nears, Irish RC bishops no full disclosure on CSA, CatholicGoogle launched, RC Church to have a black pope, AB and the Tarot, papal visit to Ireland under threat due to Cloyne crisis...
...WYD and conversions, St Marys Brisbane under Vatican scrutiny, new RC church for Bahrain, nun identifies rapists, the year of Benedict XVI, feast of the Epiphany, Irish RC priest finishes walk of atonement, Spain the Vatican's European battleground for the faith, Rome keeps eyes on Russia and new Patriarch-to-be, Ferns bishop comments on Cloyne crisis, Cardinal MO'C claims capitalism is dead...
...new Anglican bishop for St Asaph, 'no God' adverts on London buses, papal cologne now spray mist, caption competition, Vatican lacks human dignity, Clonard Monastery Appeal, CW Aid Appeal Update, RCC establishes parish in Dublin, Il Papa loses voice, Ireland orders new probe into CSA in all RC dioceses, Cardinal refers to Gaza as a concentration camp, Bethlehem altar wine flows again...
...Bishop of Cloyne lied, Limerick priest says drug dealers are like paedophiles, Vatican - Israel tension downplayed, Fr Neuhaus dies (RIP), new bishop seeks new house, Drogheda church used as 'open-air toilet', Childrens Ombudsman to investigate CSA report claims, list of shame bishops who support Magee, Muslim apology for prayer outside Milan cathedral...
...Tony Quinn seminar gets protested, senior Chian official calls for greater religious inter dialogue, Legion of Mary encourages Limerick mothers to pray, CW Comments Re Cloyne CSA Report, Il Papa administers baptism to 13 children, Bishop Duffy reaches settlement with family of a deceased parishioner (the Bishop should be ashamed of his actions in this regard!!), 64 year old joins priesthood, Cardinal Laghi RIP...
...SV commentary on Cloyne CSA, Cloyne Diocese underestimates CSA, Bishop Emeritus Russell dies (RIP), deep division in Anglican Communion in USA, female minister chosen for Inaugural Prayer, 40th Anniversary of NeoCats, 1962 Missale Romanum released, calls for Bishop Magee (Cloyne) to go, Cardinal Brady loses touch of reality and claims Magee should stay...
...Cardinal Brady Contemporary Ireland and Church, dissident Aussie parish nears schism, Italian rabbis and Il Papa at loggerheads, memorial website for bereaved set up, Cardinal Brady draws Ireland back into Stone Age, RC Diocese of SanFran owes millions, 1st woman bishop consecrated in Britain...
...Presbyterian Mutual Society collapses, USCCB pledges work with Obama, new Anglican Bishop of St Albans, Sotto Voce takes a break, Bray parish under spotlight (again ad infinitum..), no 'No God' ads allowed in Italy, CofE bans clergy from being members of BNP, Fr Seán Breen (RIP), 10 move towards beatification, 1st married priest takes place in Archdiocese of Seattle...
...Vatican 'no-no' to Facebook, unrest in Donegal hospice over removal of tabernacle, Vatican 2-fingers to Jewish prayer complaints, Inaugural Address of Obama, Biden 1st RC Vice-President, cyber attack on cult watchdog website, AD Dublin holds more meetings on CSA, Il Papa lifts Lefebvreist excommunication...
...World Leprosy Day statement by Vatican, Rome & Moscow get closer, relic of Mother Teresa goes to Europe, more CSA claims come to light, probe of ultra-RC organisation in house of horrors in Roscommon, Vatican YouTube site launched, rebel priest out to reform RC church in Africa with reformed Catholic Church, clash between Vatican and White House, Vatican II 'providential'...
...RC priest scamming in USA, former RC Dallas Bishop (RIP), Irish religious orders also fail answer CSA questions, dome of Church in Dublin in danger of collapse, Papal African trip schedule released, Bray parish focus of more allegations, AB Martin claims Irish RC schools at risk of losing identity, bishop of Meath jubilee, feast of St Thomas Aquinas...
...Mideast Synod requested, new Russian Orthodox Patriarch elected, Diocese of Scranton says NO to teachers union, February happenings, Irish President comments on CSA, Jewish authorities threaten sever Vatican ties, Il Papa overjoyed at election of Krill, Holocaust denying SSPX bishop is silenced, Traditional Anglican catholics moving closer to Rome...
...Galileo Vatican statue shelved, AB Burke blames USCCB document for Obama election victory, German Jews break ties with Rome over SSPX, St Brigid of Kildare, Il Papa and Annulments (again), TAC to be offered personal prelature, 10 charged for rape of nun, Apostolic Visitation to religious sisters in USA, LA Archdiocese under Federal investigation, 'movements' in Irish RC profiled and thus ends the month of January 2009 on CW.
Sotto Voce