Bishop Denis Nulty ordained 7 married men as
Permanent Deacons for service in our Diocese.
The diaconate is an
ordained ministry which is rooted in scripture. Chapter 6 of the Acts of
Apostles records how the apostles appointed others to see to the needs
of the community members who were being overlooked.
This is the essence
of the ministry of deacons: to serve those in our community who are poor
and overlooked, whatever form their poverty may take.
Permanent deacons were very much a feature of the early Church but
the ministry fell out of use over a thousand years ago, and diaconate
simply became a stage on the road to ordination for priesthood. In 1967
Pope Paul VI, on the advice of the bishops of the world, restored the
order of permanent deacons.
In 2000 the Irish Bishops began the process
to have the permanent diaconate introduced into Ireland. Here in Kildare
& Leighlin Diocese applications were invited in 2008 and the seven
candidates who were accepted in 2009 have since undertaken four years of
The permanent diaconate is open to single and married men.
The first responsibility of the Permanent Deacon is to be an
effective visible sign of Christ, who came to serve rather than to be
Although the permanent deacons will exercise their ministry on a
part-time basis, they remain at all times a deacon, and they are called
in their lifestyle to reflect this. The ministry of the deacon is an
expression of his being, an icon of Christ the servant.
The normal areas
of ministry which may be entrusted to deacons can be categorised under
the general headings: Pastoral, Liturgical and Faith Development:
Pastoral: Visiting the sick; visiting prisoners; visiting the
bereaved; youth ministry; working with the poor and the homeless;
promoting awareness of the social teaching of the Church; promotion of
justice and human rights.
Liturgical: Proclaiming the Gospel at Mass; preaching the homily;
assisting the Priest at Mass (sign of peace and dismissal); leading
communion services, when need arises; bringing the Eucharist to the sick
at home and in hospitals (nursing homes); presiding at Exposition and
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; the celebration of Baptism;
celebrating marriages; presiding at funerals (also removals, reception
of remains, burials).
Faith Development: Participation in sacramental preparation
programmes; formation of Ministers of the Eucharist; formation of
Ministers of the Word; formation of Altar servers; facilitating study
of, and prayer with, the Scriptures; facilitating the development of lay
ministry; chaplaincy to various parish groups; school chaplaincy.
I do however believe that surely women are living “Deacons” in every
parish in this Country and the universal Church. Most parishes are
totally indebted to women for their active ministry. Women are the back
bone of every faith community.
A leading theologian, recently
highlighted his hopes that women be accepted as ordained ministers,
suggesting that Pope Francis implements this inclusive vision of Church.
Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. the former master of the Dominican Order
recently wrote :
“My profound hope is that women will be given real authority and
voice in the church. The pope expresses his desire that this may happen,
but what concrete form can it take? He believes that the ordination of
women to the ministerial priesthood is not possible,
but decision-making in the church has become ever more closely linked
to ordination in recent years. Can that bond be loosened? Let us hope
that women may be ordained to the diaconate and so have a place in
preaching at the Eucharist. What other ways can authority be shared?”
In challenging times the Gospel message is truly relevant and very
As we all find meaning and purpose in life. Surely this is
the moment when women should be recognised as true Deacons of the