We still need items such as altar linens, lectionaries, chalices, ciboria, vestments et al, irrespective of their condition we will have them repaired and made fit for use.
Check out your sacristy, vestry etc for any of the above and contact us through here for the forwarding details to us.
We have already sent 2 full sets of vestments to a parish in America that is in one of the poorest areas of a major city and therefore does not have the funds to fully equip this new parish of the poor.
They are also in receipt of a paten and chalice for the Eucharist, with the commitment of purificators and other linens promised to them by a kind benefactor here in Ireland.
Other packages are currently being put together for other destinations throughout the world where there is a great need for these vassals of faith, and we encourage you to continue with such kindness and generosity thus far.
It is truly appreciated and we are keeping costs to a minimum by paying for postage etc and some clergy who will be here over the coming weeks and months have kindly offered to take the offerings back with them thus saving further costs.
Please do get in touch and let us keep this good work going!!
Sotto Voce