Fr. Piergiorgio Gamba sent to Agenzia Fides the following testimony:
"For Malawi this Lent is important although there are many difficulties. Corruption within the Country continues. In addition to corruption the hunt for people with albinism due to the belief of witchcraft continues.
Poverty which has devastated the Country is unfortunately growing.
The Center for Social Concern of the White Fathers of Lilongwe which publishes data each month on the state of the economy refers that the minimum amount needed for a family of 6 persons to reach the end of the month is 170,000 Kwacha Malawi, but up to now minimum wages correspond to 18,000 Malawi Kwacha, just over a tenth of the necessary amount needed.
The only hope is the next harvest. The Ministry of Agriculture says that there will be an increase of 34% of maize on the market compared to the previous year.
A Country which suffers hunger every day. Perhaps that is why Malawi can neither think about the past or the future. Survival is the only thing that matters now".