The protest was meant to draw attention to the nation’s pro-life laws on International Women’s Day — as if killing baby girls in abortions somehow advances the cause of women.
CNS News has more on what happened with the fake abortion:
As part of International Women’s Day (March 8), feminist protestors simulated a bloody abortion on a woman dressed as the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, outside the cathedral in Tucuman, Argentina.
In the mock abortion in front of the cathedral, a young woman is wearing a white dress, a blue veil, and a crown of flowers. She is also wearing what appears to be a rosary around her neck.
She is sitting on a chair with her legs spread and several “abortionists” wearing pink “pussy” hats are removing and dismembering a bloody fake baby from her vagina. Fake blood and body parts cover the street.
In a photo from the event, one protestor is shown videotaping the “abortion” of the baby Jesus.