He trained at the North American College in Rome and assisted with more than 40 exorcisms with long-time Italian exorcist Fr Carmine De Filippi.
Although the identities of most exorcists are hidden, Fr Lampert often gives talks to warn against evil and turn people toward the power of God.
In an interview with the Register, Fr Lampert said that he sees an increasing number of people involved in Satanic rituals and opening themselves up to evil.
“The problem isn’t that the devil has upped his game, but more people are willing to play it,” Fr Lampert said.
He pointed to rampant pornography, illegal drugs use and the occult.
“Where there is demonic activity, there is always an entry point,” he said.
Last October, Fr Lampert met in Rome with the International Association of Exorcists, a group of 400 Catholic leaders and priests. It is a support group that meets every other year.
According to him, group members agree that there is a great need for more exorcists.
Actual demonic possessions are rare, however, Fr Lampert explained. “I’ve only seen three possessions in the last three years, but there is also infestation, vexation and obsession.”
He explained that demonic infestation happens in places where things might move and there are loud noises.
With vexation, a person is physically attacked and might have marks such as bruises, bites or scratches.
Demonic obsession involves mental attacks, such as persistent thoughts of evil racing through one’s mind.
“In possessions,” Fr Lampert said, “I have seen eyes rolled back in the head, throwing out obscenities, bodily contortions, foul odorus, temperatures drop in the room, and I’ve witnessed someone levitating.”
He said there are now about 50 exorcists that he knows of in the United States. When he was appointed in 2005, there were only 12.