Sunday, March 05, 2017

Lent calendar prayer and reflection for 5 March - First Sunday of Lent

The Lord God fashioned man of dust from the soil.

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7
We are God’s special creation. It is God who fashions us and who breathes life into us.

And how do we respond to this great gift of life? 

When faced with the many choices we have to make, do we respond in the way of the first man and woman in Genesis by being swayed by those around us, or do we try and follow Jesus’ example and put our relationship with God first? 

It is difficult: our culture whispers in our ear that, never mind bread, we cannot survive without the latest mobile phone, TV or car. 

At times we think the only way to get on is to be seen doing great things and sharing them on social media. 

What seems to come first is worshipping the gods of our world – be it celebrities, consumer goods or personal fitness regimes. 

When making decisions, rather than looking to the word of God, our reference point is sometimes “what’s in it for me?”

Lent brings us a time to re-centre our lives, to rediscover what is of true value and life-giving.


God of Life, breathe in us once more, so that guided by your Spirit in the decisions that we make, we may choose what is life-giving for ourselves and for all people in our world. Amen.