Matthew 17:1-9
Jesus was transfigured, his appearance was altered. The disciples were afraid; they did not understand what was happening.Mulenga, who lives in Zambia, has physical, mental and communication disabilities. He has overcome many obstacles during his 37 years. A few years ago, life was a daily struggle.
His only means of getting about was either to roll his body where he needed to go or for someone to carry him. People with disabilities as severe as Mulenga's would often be left to die.
In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis tells us that all human beings “are creatures of this world, enjoying a right to life and happiness, and endowed with unique dignity” (#43).
Mulenga was 'transfigured' through his faith and his determination. Through the help of our partners in Zambia – the Sisters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary – Mulenga has become mobile through the use of a wheelchair and has trained as a farmer. He now employs other workers. Although severely disabled, Mulenga attracts the attention of others around and they listen to what he has to say.
Just as Jesus' face was shining like the sun, Mulenga's light shines in Chushi village.