Friday, June 21, 2024

More new priests for France – an interim high

The Catholic Church in France has recorded an interim high in the number of ordinations: 105 new priests this year is a significant increase compared to 88 last year, but less than the 122 of 2022, as reported by the newspaper "La Croix" (online Wednesday evening), citing the French Bishops' Conference. 

Overall, the number of candidates for the priesthood (seminarians) is declining.

According to the report, around two thirds are secular priests for the dioceses, while the remainder are members of religious orders and spiritual communities. 

Most of the new priests, namely nine, once again come from the Saint Martin community. The archdiocese of Paris and the diocese of Frejus-Toulon ordained the most secular priests. 

There are six new Jesuit priests among the religious orders this year, and only one among the Dominicans.

The Church in France is one of the most traditional and historically important in Europe. France's cultural heritage includes countless world-class monasteries and cathedrals. 

Today, one in two of France's 67 million inhabitants still describe themselves as Catholic. 

However, the number of practising Catholics, priests and religious has been in sharp decline for decades. 

Even the Catholic media recently put the number of "practising Catholics" at just two per cent of the population, with regional variations. 

On the other hand, right-wing Catholic, traditionalist movements are comparatively strongly represented in France.