Friday, June 28, 2024

"Pasión de Belorado": A TV series about the schismatic Poor Clares?

Schismatic Spanish nuns have last ...

Will there soon be a TV series about the schismatic Poor Clares in Belorado? 

Spanish television presenter Ana Rosa Quintana has certainly suggested it. 

"We have already asked the nuns, but they won't answer," said Quintana on Monday in her programme on the TV channel "Telecinco". 

A guest on her show, talking about the schismatic nuns, said that their story should be made into a film. Spanish media named "Pasión de Belorado" ("Passion of Belorado") as a possible title, alluding to the often flowery names of TV soap operas and the Passion of Christ.

Quintana spoke to the abbess of the Poor Clares in a live interview from the monastery in Belorado in mid-May. 

The broadcaster "Telecinco" is said to have paid the nuns 7,000 euros for this, reported the news website "Religión Digital" on Tuesday. 

Quintana had also interviewed the excommunicated Bishop Pablo de Rojas in mid-May. 

It is not known how much money the controversial cleric received in return and whether anything was paid at all.

In May, the convent of Poor Clares in Belorado in central Spain joined the traditionalist and sedevacantist Rojas, thereby questioning his affiliation to the Catholic Church. 

Rojas does not recognise any of the popes since John XXIII (1958-63) and celebrates mass in the pre-conciliar form. 

On Saturday, the archdiocese of Burgos, in whose territory the monastery is located, officially declared the excommunication of the ten Poor Clares

Archbishop Mario Iceta, who is also the administrator of the monastery appointed by the Pope, threatened to evict the Poor Clares from their convent building a few days ago. 

Following their excommunication and dismissal from the order, the sisters have no legal claim to remain in the convent or to the convent's assets, according to the archdiocese.