Sunday, June 30, 2024

Pope appeals to religious for unity and against gossip

Church: Pope Francis appeals against ...

Pope Francis spoke to religious on Thursday in favour of more unity. 

It is essential in order to continue to proclaim the faith today, Francis told the governing body of the Sacred Heart priests in the Vatican. 

In doing so, it needs the help of God: "He is the one who gathers us together and inspires us, and we grow together all the more the more we are united with him."

In addition, love, which is shown in concrete action, is essential for credible proclamation in a complex, challenging time: "with perseverance, without ceasing in the face of the judgements that affect us, the problems that burden us and the malice that hurts us (...)".

"There is a good remedy for gossip"

Moreover, unity can only be achieved without "gossip". This is a plague and destroys from within, the Pope warned. "There is a good remedy for gossip: bite your tongue so that your tongue becomes inflamed and you can no longer speak." Instead, he advised prayer, because "without prayer you cannot go on, you cannot endure".

Francis often speaks out against"gossip" in meetings with religious communities. 

One of the "Dehonians" he received on Thursday was Bishop Heiner Wilmer from Hildesheim. He led the order in Rome until 2018 and is the predecessor of Carlos Luis Suarez Codorniu, who has just been confirmed as Superior General.

The community of Sacred Heart priests was founded by the Frenchman Leon Dehon (1843-1925). 

According to its own information, it has over 2,200 members in 45 countries worldwide. 

In Germany, the community is present in Berlin, Handrup, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Freiburg im Breisgau, Martental and Oberhausen.