Friday, June 28, 2024

Schismatic Poor Clares throw schismatic bishop out of monastery

obispo' excomulgado: pisos ...

The schismatic Poor Clares of Belorado have thrown the schismatic bishop Pablo de Rojas and the priest José Ceacero, who belongs to his community, out of the convent.  

According to the Spanish newspaper "ABC" the nuns expelled the two men from the convent on Monday evening after consulting with their lawyers. 

Since mid-May, the nuns had refused entry to priests from the archdiocese of Burgos and only celebrated the sacraments with the two men. 

At that time, they had placed themselves under the protection and jurisdiction of the schismatic bishop.

The Spanish online medium "Religion Digital" assumes that the decision was made in order to improve the nuns' legal position in view of the eviction of the sisters from the convent announced by the responsible archbishop, Mario Iceta. 

Iceta had issued a decree on Saturday excommunication of the nuns.

Meanwhile, the extent of the financial difficulties the convent is suffering from is becoming clear. 

The administrative commission appointed by Archbishop Iceta announced on Wednesday that it had received invoices totalling 20,000 euros from the monastery for its immediate needs. 

Of this, around 9,800 euros are salary costs for the monastery's employees. 

The convent's liquid assets are not sufficient to cover the costs. 

The Federation of Poor Clares has announced that it will contribute to the costs. 

However, according to the archdiocese, the administrative commission has still not received all the necessary documents.

Rojas is a well-known sedisvacantist. 

After contacts to the schismatic Palmarian Catholic Church in Spain in Spain, Rojas founded an association of priests in 2005 that is based on the statutes of Opus Dei founder José María Escrivá de Balaguer, which applied before the rules were officially recognised by Pope John Paul II in 1982. 

The schismatic bishop does not recognise sacraments administered outside his community. 

In 2006, he received an invalid episcopal ordination in Cologne, followed a few years later by another ordination by a bishop in the lineage of the Vietnamese schismatic Ngô Dình Thuc, whose ordinations are not considered valid by the Vatican. 

The only other known member of his community is Ceacero, who at times acted as spokesman for the convention.