Friday, June 21, 2024

Archbishop wants to allow Traditional Latin Mass in cathedral – Vatican says no

The Vatican Dicastery for Divine Worship has rejected the request of Australian Archbishop Peter Comensoli to authorise the Traditional Latin Mass in his cathedral in Melbourne. 

The liturgy celebrated in an episcopal church must be considered a model for the entire diocese, which is why it is not appropriate to celebrate Holy Mass there according to the 1962 Missal, according to the response from the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, which was published on the news portal "Zenit" on Monday. 

"The cathedral is the most privileged place where the current liturgical books must be used for the celebration of the liturgy," says the letter signed by the Secretary of the Dicastery, Bishop Vittorio Francesco Viola. In this way, the theological principle of the "lex orandi" of the Roman Rite is expressed.

At the same time, the dicastery authorised the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in the two parish churches of Saint Michael and Saint Philip in Melbourne for a period of two years, which the archbishop had also requested. 

If Comensoli then wanted a dispensation to continue celebrating Mass according to the 1962 missal in the two churches, he would have to make a new request to the Vatican. 

In addition, the dicastery made it a condition that the archbishop submit a report stating the number of faithful attending. 

He must also describe "what steps have been taken to introduce the faithful who adhere to the traditional liturgy to the celebration of the liturgy according to the liturgical books reformed in accordance with the decree of the Second Vatican Council".

With regard to the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass in the cathedral, the dicastery suggested celebrating the Holy Mass in its current form in Latin for the relevant group of believers. 

This could also take place at the same altar that is also intended for the celebration of Mass in the pre-conciliar form. Viola thanked Comensoli for his request for a dispensation to the dicastery, as in this way the motu proprio "Traditionis custodes" would be correctly applied. The archbishop's request dates back to June last year.

In 2021, Pope Francis restricted the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass with his motu proprio "Traditionis custodes" ("Guardians of Tradition"), which Benedict XVI had re-authorised within certain limits as an "extraordinary form of the celebration of the Mass" in 2007.  

In February 2023, Francis tightened the rules once again. 

In particular, it was stipulated that bishops may not themselves dispense from the ban on the celebration of the pre-conciliar liturgy in parish churches, but that authorisation from the Holy See is required.