Sunday, June 30, 2024

Pope Francis goes on summer break

Pope Francis is taking a summer break

From Tuesday, the head of the Church will not be holding any public or private audiences, the Prefecture of the Papal Household announced on Friday. 

It organises the meetings with the Pope. 

The weekly general audiences for pilgrims from all over the world will resume on Wednesday, 7 August.

The papal time-out in July is customary. 

The only exception is the midday prayer on Sunday - Francis will also give this short address in July. 

Unlike his predecessors, however, the Argentinian does not retreat to the papal palace in the cooler Castel Gandolfo, but stays in his two-room flat in the Vatican guest house Santa Marta.

According to the Pope himself, he is using the extra free time to sleep more, read more, listen to more music and pray more. 

However, he never wants to give up work completely.