Do Cách / To All,
Since we last posted here, our inbox has been in receipt of quite a few emails from the Patrick Buckley Beatification Bureau, condemning us for daring to be public in denouncing Patrick Buckley, and we should be ashamed of ourselves for doing so.
All this on foot of the interviews done by Eduardo Yanga, who claims that he and Patrick Buckley were in an allegedly celibate relationship as 'partner/husband' (when you make your mind up on that Eduardo, do let us know!!) and that Patrick Buckley was, in effect, a gentleman.
Dream on Eduardo, dream on.
In your most recent interview Eduardo, you claim that, (quote) 'Pat Buckley was targeted by vicious online trolls within hours of his passing last month.' (unquote)
The Sunday World paper claimed in its piece with you that the number of men infeced was 57 - and then elsewhere in same said piece claimed it was 53.
Well, as and of now, Sunday 9th June 2024, that number is now 55, as we have had another 2 men get in touch with us, and they will be flying into Ireland in the next 3 weeks to make their statements to our solicitor, and let it proceed from there.
So we do hope that helps to clarify that particular situation for you Eduardo, and your Buckley Beatification Bureau friends no doubt.
Also, there is the claim that you have made that these people writing comments etc were 'trolls', so we decided to look into that claim Eduardo, and before we go any further, let us acquaint you with the definition of what a troll is...
'A troll is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments in an online social community. Platforms targeted by trolls can include the comment sections of YouTube, forums, blogspots, or chat rooms.
Trolls often use inflammatory messages to provoke emotional responses
out of people, disrupting otherwise civil discussion.'
And as you accused same said people of trolling, let us remind you of what that is also :
'Trolling can occur anywhere that has an open area where people can freely post their thoughts and opinions.'
So, let's deal with the allegation of these people being trolls - and we advise you Eduardo that we have evidence of the comments placed under postings on your Facebook account where people - who were identifiable - were leaving comments about your now deceased and allegedly celibate partner/husband, with links to a posting on this site in relation to the allegations we made Eduardo, and which we stand over.
They were open and honest in what they were saying, as indeed are we here in CW - which is in complete contrast to your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley.
Let us also be very clear in relation to what we have said Eduardo, in contrast to what you may allege - we never, ever said your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley was under police investigation for spreading HIV - and any and all postings on here will bear that out.
He was under investigation by us here in CW, and we stand over our investigation, Operation Easpag, as indeed do our solicitors who ensured legal compliance was observed and practised at all times.
We have evidence of him inviting himself into a Facebook account of a prayer group whilst it was in live transmission and he actually started posting nasty and derogatory comments on their live broadcast, and when they stopped him from doing so, he actually reported them to Facebook and got their account shut down.
Is that not trolling Eduardo?
He tried to do the same with this site Eduardo, as you well know, and we fought back with the truth, and we will continue to cast the light into the dark side of Patrick Buckley, whether you like it or not.
Another example of trolling carried out by him, and also by another at his behest, is best exemplified by him posting pictures of those he was slandering and defaming ad nauseum on his own 'blogspots' which had been obtained by trolling through the Facebook accounts of those people and those accounts of their family members and friends.
And, as we have evidence of this, he also had others do the same dirty work of trolling for him - and she knows who she is....and all who read here will also know in very good time!!
You accused these people who were posting these comments as (quote) 'evil' (unquote), and if that is not the height of hypocrisy Eduardo, then please tell us what is.
Your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley,
* infected 55 men (known to us at the moment) with HIV, then tried to stop us from publishing it, and refused to engage with us and those men until it came to the point of going public with the story that he decided to accept his repsonsibility in these matters.
You claim (quote) Pat isn’t here to fight back or deny the accusations (unquote), but he did try a damn good attempt to when alive.
He telephoned our solicitor at one point of the investigation, and effectively threatened abusively, same said solicitor to the point whereby he had outed himself as the bishop at the centre of Operation Easpag, and yet we had never named him. He outed himself, and verified as such, to all, that it was him at the centre of it.
We have the recording of that telephone call Eduardo, and would be more than willing to share it...alongside so many other telephone call recordings!!
Is that not evil Eduardo?
Your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley,
* tried to shut us down repeatedly, and even went so far as to troll through the Facebook pages of our colleagues here in CW in an attempt to blacken their names, and those of their family members.
This resulted in legal action beginning by these family members, and indeed it was starting to gather momentum and heading towards the Northern courts this month (which we can happily verify for you Eduardo, despite your claim to the contrary to the Sunday World, Belfast Telegraph etc) until your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley, decided to do the decent thing.
Making slanderous and defammatory comments, remarks and then also allowing them to be published - having trolled through all these peoples social media accounts...
Is that not evil Eduardo?
Your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley,
* published untrue information about so, so many people, and in doing so, cost them jobs, slandered and defamed families, cost them relationships with family members and friends, and yet when the truth was presented to him - as it was on many an ocassion - he refused to retract such untruths despite his promise to do so.
Many people were left impoverished, others left with suicidal ideation and indeed others are still traumatised by what he done - and yet they still do not understand why he did so.
Is that not evil Eduardo?
Or is there a definition of evil which you have Eduardo, that you would wish to share with us?
And the above is not even the tip of the iceberg as to what we have evidence of what your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley done to so many people Eduardo, all of which our solicitors have on both sides of the border.
We are more than happy to go to any courtroom in either part of this country and stand over the evidence we have, and bring with us those 55 men your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley, did infect!!
Your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley, was indeed visited by the PSNI on many an ocassion, and for you to deny that is just sickening and insulting to the good officers of the PSNI who, as we have stated here before, had the patience of Job in dealing with him.
Again, Eduardo, we have some logs of the visits carried out by the PSNI in very recent times to 'The Oratory', and no doubt would be able, via Court Order, to get a full listing of such visits to the home of your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley.
He was under investigation, and indeed was the prime suspect in an ongoing investigation with An Garda Síochána, PSNI and Interpol - and we have evidence to this effect Eduardo - and happy to produce it in any court!
You claim (quote) 'We had originally planned a public funeral, but because of the people spreading false news about Pat, we decided to make it private, although there were still around 60 people packed into the chapel.' (unquote) which we all know was never going to happen Eduardo, because you were afraid then, and now, of the truth being made public about your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley.
You were afraid of people turning up whom you would not be able to face because of the evil and nastiness that your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley had perpetrated against these decent and innocent people for so many years.
That is one of the main reasons you moved to ensure that any and all mention of him, his blogspots and social media accounts were taken down within 24 hours of his publicly notified death - the other being the fear of being left with no money in case people sued his estate - which you are in charge of, as you have admitted.
One thing which makes us stand out, and we do not make this claim lightly, is that we ensure that all of which we post here is the truth, and if we make a mistake, we face up to it, and do everything possible to put things right.
This cannot be said of Patrick Buckley, and now it seems, by you, his also allegedly celibate partner Eduardo.
(quote) Eduardo said: “The truth is Pat was HIV and I want people to know this. But he and I were both celibate and we had been for many years. To claim he had infected 53 men with AIDS is such an evil thing to say about a good man.” (unquote).
So, let us speak directly to you on this Eduardo - do not try to put your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley on the road to sainthood, because by trying to do so, you are hurting, insulting and re-victimising those who your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley has already done this to for the last 20 or so years.
He is dead Eduardo, so let his evil, nasty and dishonest ways go with him.
Do not perpetuate him.
Do not put him up on a pedestal.
Do not canonise him.
Your claim that (quote) 'Pat Buckley was one of the most decent human beings imaginable' (unquote) is only heaping more insult upon the insult perpetrated by your allegedly celibate partner/husband, Patrick Buckley on such genuine, decent people, and regrettably he did not get to be held to account this side of the grave for his disgusting and immoral behaviour.
We will call you out Eduardo, on every interview you make and we will ensure that people know the truth about Patrick Buckley - the truth of evidence, not the 'truth' of Eduardo Yanga as published by the Sunday World.
To you Eduardo, and to Hugh Jordan of the Sunday World - take a look at the article truthfully wrote by Noel Doran of the Irish News, and reflect on someone who actually knew Patrick Buckley - unlike either or both of yourselves as is so evident.
You can have published what you want others to believe Eduardo, but we will continue to publish what we know to be the truth.
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Eagarthóir / Editor