Sunday, May 12, 2024

First papal hospital outside Italy planned

Bambino Gesu Women's and Children's Hospital — Gaudium et Spes Foundation

Construction work on the first papal hospital outside Italy is due to begin in Egypt at the end of the year. 

Like the paediatric hospital in Rome, it will be called Bambino Gesu and will be built in Cairo. 

Under a cooperation agreement, it will benefit from the expertise of the Bambino Gesu papal children's hospital in Rome, as the Italian daily newspaper"Avvenire" reported on Tuesday.

The project is being organised by the Catholic-Muslim High Committee for Fraternity, which was founded after the Pope's visit to Abu Dhabi in 2019. 

At that time, Francis and the Cairo Grand Imam Ahmed al-Tayyeb signed the "Document on the Fraternity of All People"

The committee is to implement its impulses.

Among other things, the "Oasis of Mercy" near Cairo has already been realised. 

The orphanage, which was inaugurated on Sunday, looks after children between the ages of six and twelve. 

It should have opened in 2022.