Sunday, May 26, 2024

Bishop of Elphin backs Government’s recognition of Palestinian State

Bishop of Elphin Kevin Doran says he is delighted that, “at long last, Ireland has formally recognised the State of Palestine.”

In a statement, the Bishop said: "This is not about being anti-semitic or pro-Hamas. It is simply about recognising, as the United Nations already did in 1948, that the Palestinian people, like the people of Israel, have the right to self-determination and to live in peace in their own land.

He said the announcement by the Government was an important step, but there was still a long road ahead.

"Lasting peace will only be possible when the State of Israel and the State of Palestine are both willing to recognise one another’s right to exist. This is something that we in Ireland have had to learn, and with which we are still coming to terms. I pray that, with other like minded nations, we may be able to help all the children of Abraham to live together in peace,” he said.